HIST1100-B United States History I (Fall 2024)
Course Details
Session, Dates: 1 (08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Days: M W F
Time: 12:00 - 12:50 pm
Location: Moon Campus
Room: Hale Center 301
Seats Available: No Seats 0 Waiting
Credits: 3
Course Description
This course is a survey of the development of the United States from the colonial era, through the establishment of the federal system, the growth of party politics, and the search for a national culture, to the emergence of a two-ocean republic. The course concludes with the study of the Civil War and the reconstruction of the Union.
3 Credits
Course Materials
About the Instructor(s)
John M. McCarthy, Ph.D.
412-397-5412 phone
412-397-6469 fax
Wheatley Center 324
Professor of History and Faculty Athletics Representative
Social Sciences
412-397-5412 phone
412-397-6469 fax
Wheatley Center 324