ECON4850-C1 Senior Research Project (Fall 2024)

Course Details

Session, Dates: 1 (08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Days: T R
Time: 11:00 - 12:15 pm
Location: Moon Campus
Room: Hale Center 106
Seats Available: 20 Seats
Credits: 3

Course Description

This is the capstone course for economics majors. Building upon the content knowledge achieved in prior coursework, this course provides students with an opportunity to work with a faculty mentor and the senior research project director to compete and present a research project. Topics to be explored include the evaluation of existing research, selecting and refining a research topic, utilizing databases in the social sciences, research methods, and writing a research report. Students will conduct an approved research project, write a report, create a PowerPoint slides and present their project to the class.

Course Materials

About the Instructor(s)

John M. McCarthy, Ph.D.
Professor of History and Faculty Athletics Representative
Social Sciences
412-397-5412 phone
412-397-6469 fax
Wheatley Center 324