HIST3520-A Immigration History (Fall 2024)
Course Details
Session, Dates: 1 (08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Days: M W F
Time: 10:00 - 10:50 am
Location: Moon Campus
Seats Available: 19 Seats
Credits: 3
Course Description
Immigration remains one of America's most vexing issues today and understanding its history is more vital than ever before. This course examines immigration as a force throughout American history. Students will analyze the historic background of several critical issues, such as immigration policy, ethnic and race relations, the changing meaning of "whiteness," "the melting pot," "multiculturalism," and nativism. Special attention will be paid to Western Pennsylvania's unique immigrant history, but this class will examine immigration from a national perspective as well. Additionally, a variety of projects will enable students to examine their own ethnic heritage.
3 Credits
Course Materials
About the Instructor(s)
John M. McCarthy, Ph.D.
412-397-5412 phone
412-397-6469 fax
Wheatley Center 324
Professor of History and Faculty Athletics Representative
Social Sciences
412-397-5412 phone
412-397-6469 fax
Wheatley Center 324