Jacob C. Peng, Ph.D.
Professor of Accounting (Accounting and Taxation) Director, MBA Program (College of Business and STEM)
peng@rmu.edu 412-397-6385 phone (M) 412-397-2585 fax Massey Hall 330
My Website LinkedIn Profile
Educational Background- Ph.D., Accounting, Texas Tech University, 2005
- Master of Science, Accountancy, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, 1998
Professional Background- Fulbright Scholar (Japan), 2023
- Board of Directors, Pennsylvania CPA Foundation
- Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
Publications- Peng, J. (2023) “The Intricate
Web of Third-Party Cybersecurity Risk”
The ISACA Journal, Volume
6 (2023), 55-58.
- Peng, J., Bryan, L., and Abdullah, I. (2023) “Technology Agility and Soft Skills - A Unique Duo for CPA Evolution and Advancement of the Accounting Profession: How a Small University Tackled the Challenge,” Business Education Innovation Journal, 15(1), 75-81.
- Peng, J. and C. Li. (2022) “Security Breaches and Modifications on Cybersecurity Disclosures,” Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 21(3): 452-470.
- Bryan, L. and Peng, J. (2021) “Stand Out in a Virtual World,” Strategic Finance, (September 2021), 44 – 49.
- “How Does Tax Aggressiveness Affect Shareholder Wealth? An Examination Using a Regulatory Transition" The International Journal of Accounting, [2020], 55(4), 1-47.
- "The Growing Role of Cybersecurity Disclosures" The ISACA Journal, Volume 1 (2020), 1-7.
- "Independence Issues in Non-Profit Audits,” The CPA Journal, April 2019, 59-62.
- "Moving to the Cloud – Integrating a real-life case to teaching QuickBooks online,” Business Education Innovation Journal, [2019], 11(1), 44-49.
- Building
a Market Simulation to Teach Business Process Analysis: Effects of Realism on
Engaged Learning”, Accounting Education,
[2017], 27(2): 208-222
- “Integrating XBRL Data with Textual Information in Chinese: A Semantic Web Approach”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, [2016], 21: 32-46.
- " Expense Report Abuse: Influence of Mood and Social Presence”, International Journal of Economics and Business Research, [2015], 9(2): 221-232.
- "Fraudulent Expense Reporting: Impact of Manager Responsiveness and Social Presence”, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, [2014], 15 (2): 158-174.
“Recommendations for Implementing Short-Term, Multi-Country Business Study Abroad – The Case of a Mid-Sized U.S. University”, Journal of International Business Education, [2013], 8(2013), 89-100.
- “The Wealth Effects of Investing in Information Technology: The Case of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Compliance”, Review of Accounting and Finance, [2010], 9(3), 285-305
- “Applying XBRL in an Accounting Information System Design Using the REA Approach: An Instructional Case”, Accounting Perspectives, [2010], 9(1), 55-78.
- “National Culture and Trust on Satisfaction in Synchronous Collaborative Decisions”, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, [2009], 20(1), 98-108.
- "Using an Online Homework System to Submit Accounting Homework: Role of Cognitive Need, Computer Efficacy and Perception", Journal of Education for Business, [2009], 84(5), 263-268 .
- “An Experimental Study of Multidimensional Hierarchical Accounting Data: Drill-Down Paths Can Influence Economic Decisions”, Journal of Information Systems, [2007], 21(2), 69-86.