Angela Macci Bires, Ed.D., M.P.M., R.T.(N), CNMT
Radiation Safety Officer (Psychology & Health Sciences) Professor of Advanced Medical Imaging Technology (Psychology & Health Sciences)
| 412-397-5410 phone (M) 412-397-3977 fax Scaife Hall 127
Educational Background- Doctorate of Education, IDPEL, Duquesne University, 2005
- Master of Public Management, Healthcare Admin & Marketing, Carnegie Mellon University
- Bachelor of Science, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Wheeling Jesuit University
Professional Background- 2013-Present, Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA, Promoted to
Professor of Nuclear Medicine (Nuclear Medicine)
- 2007-November 2017 Robert Morris University Department Head, Moon Township, PA, Health Sciences (Health Services Administration)
2007- August 2019 Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA, Program Director, Nuclear Medicine (Nuclear Medicine)
- 2007-Present, faculty, Robert Morris University,
- 2007-2013, Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA, Associate Professor of Nuclear Medicine (Nuclear Medicine)
- 2007-Present Radiation Safety Officer, Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA
- 1989-2006 Wheeling Jesuit University Wheeling, WV Director of Nuclear Medicine Technology Program
Department Chair/Associate Professor
- 1996-1997 Associate Chair Clinical Science/Assistant Professor, Wheeling Jesuit University Wheeling, WV
- 1994- Present St. Clair Memorial Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Staff technologist casual pool, Nuclear Medicine Department
- 1991-1993 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh, PA Central Imaging Service Inc./Nuclear Medicine
- 1980-1989 South Hills Health System Jefferson Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Chief Technologist Nuclear Medicine Department Hospital Radiation Safety Officer
Area of Expertise/Research- 2016-2017, CHAIR, Board of Directors Nuclear
Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB)
- 2013- Present, Member, Board of Directors Nuclear
Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB)
- FSNMMI-TS Fellow in the Society of Nuclear Medicine Molecular Imaging-Technologist Section. GRANTED: June 9, 2013
- Research Grants:
Mason DL, Macci Bires A. "Perspectives from Nuclear Medicine Technologists: Should Parents be Permitted in the Nuclear Medicine Imaging Suite During Procedures?" American Society of Radiologic Technologists grant Grant # S08RG01. Robert Morris University IRB approval #080504 ($5948.00)
- Editorial/newsletter resource expert in Nuclear Medicine technology for the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences (AEIRS) 2008-2010
- David Scaife Foundation grant in the amount of $100,000.00 on November 3, 2008 for the Nuclear Medicine Technology Program and Radiopharmacy Lab.
- Grant from PNC Bank in the amount of $30,000 Nov. 2008 for digital software and computer hardware for Nuclear Medicine Technology program.
- Society of Nuclear Medicine Academic Council
- Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology Section, Educators Committee
- Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Section: Leadership Academy Alumni Community,
- Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Section: Educators Directors
PublicationsDuCharme,B, Macci Bires,
A, Montanye, E, Khan, M, DuCharme, S, Linse, M, Carlson, J. "Effect of Prehospital Blood Draws on Length of Stay for Chest Pain Patients in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study" CCNQ 2019; 42:2: 208-214
- Breisnger, L, Macci Bires, A, Cline, T. Stress Reduction in Postcardiac Surgery Family Members: Implementation of a Postcardiac Surgery Tool Kit. CCNQ 2018;41:2:186-196
- Burkett,M, Macci Bires, A, Cline, T, Knight, A. "An Assessment of an Outpatient Antimicrobial Therapy Program in a Rural Medicine Center: A Retrospective Chart Review" CCNQ 2018;41:2: 109-120
- Koss, T, Macci Bires, A, Cline, T, Mason, Donna. "Evaluation of an Educational Video: What to Expect on the First Day of Chemotherapy". CCNQ 2018;41:2; 142-160
- Shapiro,M,Macci Bires,A, Waterstram-Rich,K, Cline,T. "Improving Clinical Outcomes for Patients With Class III Heart Failure" CCNQ 2017; 40:2: 111-123
- DiSante,J, Macci Bires, A, Cline,T, Waterstram-Rich, K. " An Analyis of the Prevalence of Depression Post-Myocaridal Infacrion" CCNQ 2017 40:2: 124-136
- Macci Bires,A, Leonard,A,Thurber,B. "Educating Providers in Return-to-Play Suggested Guidelines Postconcussion" CCNQ 2017; 40:1:49-58
Macci Bires A, Kerr, B, George, L. “Osteomyelitis:
An Overview of Imaging Modalities’. CCNQ
Owen,MA, Gilmore,CD .Henkin,R, Baldwin,J, Macci Bires,A, Nelson,K,
Wilkinson,D, Holbrook,S, Hubble,W, Mann,A, Sobey,K, Wintering,NA."Clinical
Research: The Future of the Molecular Imaging Technologist-A White Paper
Presented by Members of the Graduate Stakeholders Committee of the SNMMI
Technologist J Nucl Med Technol 2014; 42: 228-232 published ahead of
print August 14, 2014 (10.2967/jnmt.114.146373
- Owen,MA,Gilmore,CD,Henkin,R,Baldwin,J, Macci Bires,A, Nelson,K,Wilkinson,D,Hollbrook,S,Hubble,W,Sobey,K,Winterling,NA. "Examing the Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate: Past, Present and Future-A White paper Presented by Memebers of the Graduate Stakeholders Committe of the SNMMI Technologist Section". J Nucl Med Technol2014: 42: 223-227
- Macci Bires,A,Lawson,DC, Wasser,T, Raber-Baer,D. “Comparison of Bruce Treadmill Exercise Test Protocols: Is Ramped Bruce Equal or Superior to Standard Bruce in Producing Clincally Valid Studies for Patients Presenting for Evaluation of Cardiac Ischemia or Arrhythmia with Body Mass Index Equal to or Greater than 30?, J Nucl Med Technol. 2013;41:274-278
- Macci Bires,A,Gilmore,D,Bolus,N. "The History, Implications and Development of the Transistion Resource Manual". J Nucl Med Technol 2012; 40:265-270
- Macci Bires,A, Mason,DL, Gilmore,D, Pietrczyk,C."Gap Analysis Survey: An Aid in Transitioning to Standard Curricula for Nuclear Medicine Technology".J Nucl Med Technol 2012; 40:178-182
- Mason DL, Macci Bires A. "Buy One and Get Two". Hospital News. June 2008.
- Mason, DL, Macci Bires,A. "Parents in the Nuclear Medicine Suites". Radiology Today, May/June 2012; Vol 83/5; 510-513
Nielsen, C, Aaron L, Bolus NE, Gilmore D, Hess-Smith MHubble WE, Kent KE,Macci Bires A, Mason DL, Stecker LH, Waterstram-Rich,KM. "Curriculum Guide for Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology, 4th edition." Society of Nuclear medicine. , August 5, 2008
Society of Nuclear Medicne Technology(SMNTS)Resorce Transition Manual
- 2007 to 2009 Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiological Sciences
Editorial Review Board Member:
Spectrum Resource Expert for Nuclear Medicine Technology
- Nielsen, C, Aaron L, Bolus NE, Gilmore D, Hess-Smith M, Hubble WE, Kent KE, Macci Bires A, Mason DL, Stecker LH, Waterstram-Rich,KM. "The Changes Impacting the Practice of Nuclear Medicine Technology and Student Education". Available online at
- Macci Bires A., Mason DL, "The Art of the Start" Hospital News. August 2009
- Macci Bires A., Mason DL, "Crossroads for the Traveling Medical Record". Hospital News. November 2008.
Presentations- 2023 - "The Business of Healthcare" Pennsylvania Association of Radiologic Managers, Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, October 17, 2023
- 2019 - Macci-Bires, A. Professional Ethics in the Workplace; Pennsylvania Society of Radiologic Technologists, Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2, 2019
- 2019 - Macci-Bires, A. Professional Ethics in the Workplace; Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 66th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, June 24, 2019
- 2018 - Macci-Bires, A. "Fighting the Fear: Hospital Staff Guidance in Radiation, Safety, Exposure and Protection" Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 65th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 25, 2018
- 2014 - Blunt, Amy M. Bires, Angela Macci, Cline, Thomas "The Frontline of Concussion Prevention and Recognition: Educating Coaches".
Annual Clinical Nurse Specialist Conference, Celebrating APN Practice: Moving Forward. The Cleveland Clinic Administrative Campus. 2nd Place, Sept. 20, 2014
- 2014 - Macci Bires A. "EKG Primer" Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 61st Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, June 7, 2014
- 2011 - Macci Bires,A, Perkeges, J,L, Warner, D, "Clinical Education at a Distance" Society of Nuclear Medicine, 58th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 5, 2011
- 2011 - Hubble, W, Macci Bires, A, Mason, D,L."What the Best College Teachers Do" Society of Nuclear Medicine,58th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, June 4, 2011
- 2010 - Macci Bires A,"The Path to Healthcare Leadership: Strategies, Styles and Success". Society of Nuclear Medicine 57th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 8, 2010
- 2010 - Macci Bires,A, Prekeges, Jennifer, l, "Learning Styles and State of the Art Education Practices". Society of Nuclear Medicine 57th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 5, 2010
- 2010 - Macci Bires,A: "The Business of Healthcare". Fourteenth Annual Nuclear Medicine Symposium, Cleveland, Ohio, October 23, 2010
- 2010 - Macci Bires, A, "Patient Care Practices". Fourteenth Annual Nuclear Medicine Symposium, Cleveland, Ohio, October 23, 2010
- 2010 - Macci Bires,A, Mason,D,L, Mooney,T, Willard, R, "Engaged Learning at it's Finest: A Student Driven Process of Community, Service and Self".The Southwestern PA Regional Network for the Growth of Service- Learning: Spring Symposium: March 24, 2010
- 2007 - Macci, A,R,"The Business of Healthcare" Pittsburgh Chapter Meeting Spring Workshop April 2007
- 2006 - Macci Bires, A, "Learning Styles and State of the Art Educational Practices" Pittsburgh Chapter Meeting Midwinter Workshop November 2006
- 2004 - Macci, A.,R "Learning Styles and State of the Art Educational Practices" Society of Nuclear Medicine 51st Annual Meeting. June 19, 2004