Stanko Racic, Ph.D.
Professor of Finance (Finance)
| 412-397-6368 phone (M) 412-397-2172 fax Massey Hall 235
Educational Background- Ph.D., Finance, University of Pittsburgh, 2005
- Master of Business Administration, Finance, University of Pittsburgh, 1993
- Master of Arts, International Economics and Comparative Systems, University of Pittsburgh, 1991
- Bachelor of Arts, Accounting and Finance, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 1986
Publications- Growth Opportunities and Corporate Debt Policy: The Case of the U.S. Defense Industry, with V. Goyal and K. Lehn, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 6, Issue 1, April 2002.
- Designing the Pre and Post Test for Principles of Finance, with F. Flanegin, International Issue of Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 2007.
- Assurance of Learning, “Closing the Loop”: Utilizing a Pre and Post Test for Principles Of Finance, with F. Flanegin, K. Schimmel and D. Letterman, Journal of Cases Studies in Accreditation and Assessment, 2009.
- Strategically Recurring Traits That Contribute to Firm Loyalty: Case Studies of Best Business Practices, with A. Smith, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Volume 3, Number 6, 2009.
- Differences in Selection Criteria Among Traditional Students, Adult Continuing Education Students And Graduate Students, with K. Schimmel, M. Eschenfelder, J. Clark and G. Marco, American Journal of Business Education, Volume 2, Number 5, August 2009.
- The Impact of Exchange Rates on Hotel Occupancy, with F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, Volume 17, Number 1, 2009.
- Accuracy and Cost of U.S. Financial Data, with F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, The Journal of Applied Business Research, Volume 25, Number 6, November/December 2009.
- Evolution and Development of Metro-casinos, with D. Rudd and R. Mills, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, Volume 5, June 2010.
- Is Japanese Management Superior? Evidence from the Performance of the USA Targets in Partial Acquisitions, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Volume 20, Issue 1, 2010.
- The Importance of University WEB Pages in Selecting a Higher Education Institution, with K. Schimmel, D. Motley, G. Marco and M. Eschenfelder, Research in Higher Education Journal,Volume 9, October 2010.
- University Students’ Attitude: Croatia versus Turkey, with N. Schnurr and T. Gelo, Journal of International Education Research, Volume 7, Number 2, 2011.
- The Impact of Macro-Economic Fluctuations on Casino Revenue in Major US Gaming Markets, with F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Research in Business and Economics Journal, Volume 5, February 2012.
- The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Casino Revenue in Major US Gaming Markets, with B. Bailey, F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Finance India, Volume XXVII, Number 1, March 2013.
Presentations- 2006 - The Calibration of the Pre and Post Test for Principles of Finance, Pennsylvania Economic Association Annual Meeting.
- 2006 - The Short-term Wealth Effects of the Japanese Acquisitions in the U.S., Midwest Finance and Economics Association Annual Meeting.
- 2007 - Designing the Pre and Post Test for Principles of Finance, with F. Flanegin, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
- 2008 - Course Based Assurance Of Learning For Principles Of Finance: A Pre-Post Test Example, with F. Flanegin and K. Schimmel, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
- 2008 - Assurance of Learning, ?Closing The Loop?: Utilizing a Pre and Post Test For Principles of Finance, with F. Flanegin, K. Schimmel and D. Letterman, Annual Conference of Academy of Business Education.
- 2009 - The Impact of Exchange Rates on Hotel Occupancy, with F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
- 2009 - Accuracy and Cost of U.S. Financial Data, B. Bailey, F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
- 2009 - University Students Attitude: Croatia versus Turkey, with N. Schnurr and T. Gelo, Annual Conference of Academy of Business Disciplines.
- 2010 - The Impact of Exchange Rates on Casino Revenue in Major US Gaming Markets, with B. Bailey, Flanegin and D. Rudd, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
- 2010 - The Impact of Macro-Economic Fluctuations on Casino Revenue in Major US Gaming Markets, with F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Southeastern INFORMS Conference.
- 2011 - The Impact of Macro-Economic Fluctuations on Casino Revenue in Major US Gaming Markets, with F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
- 2012 - Destination USA by Croatian and Serbian University Students, with N. Schnurr, T. Gelo and G. Ognjanov, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
- 2012 - State of Regional Economies and Casino Revenue, with F. Flanegin and D. Rudd, Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.