Lois D. Bryan, D.Sc., C.P.A.
University Professor of Accounting (Accounting and Taxation)
bryan@rmu.edu 412-397-6339 phone (M) 412-397-2585 fax Massey Hall 229
Educational Background- Doctor of Science, , Robert Morris University, 2006
- Master of Science, Taxation, Robert Morris University, 2000
- Master of Accountancy, , University of Denver, 1978
Professional Background- Certified Public Accountant
Area of Expertise/Research- Taxation
- Managerial Accounting
Publications- Hess, D. J. & Bryan, L. D. (March, 2012). Using An IRA For a Planned Charitable Gift. Practical Tax Strategies, 88 (3), 123-126.
- Boyas, E, Bryan, L. D. & Lee, T (March 2011). Conditions affecting the usefulness of pre- and post-tests for assessment purposes. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
- Eschenfelder, M., Bryan, L. D. & Lee, T. (September 2010). Assurance of learning: what do economics faculty know and what do they believe? Journal of Case Studies in Accreditation and Assessment Vol. 1.
- Beaves, R. G., Hetherington, K. M. , & Bryan, L. D. (2009). Roth Conversion in 2010 Creates Unique Financial Planning Opportunities for High Income Taxpayers. Journal of Taxation of Investments.
- Bryan, L. D. (2009). Corporate Managers' Experience Related to Implementing Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: A Focus on Information systems Issues. Journal of Applied Business Research, 25 (3), 25-35.
- Hess, D. J. & Bryan, L. D. (December, 2009). What Should Older Investors Do With Unrealized Losses? Practical Tax Strategies, 83 (6), 327-331.
- Yahr, M. A., Bryan, L. D., & Schimmel, K. (2009). Perceptions of college and university codes of ethics. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics.
- Manna, D. R., Bryan, L. D., & Pastoria, L. G. (2008). A Comparison between Professors and Practitioner's Perceptions of the Need for Accountants to Possess Emotional Intelligence. Journal, Economics and Organization of Enterprise, 3 (1), 17-34.
- Bryan, L. D., Yahr, M. A., & Rota, D. (2008). Team-Based Approaches to Compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 1, 50-64.
- Bryan, L. D. & Smith, A. D. (2005). Exploring Prevention and Perpetrator Aspects Concerning Employee Fraud in Organizations. International Journal of Management and Enterprise, 2 (¾), 257-287.