ARTM4710-A Exper. Design (Xd) Studio I (Fall 2024)
This section was canceled as of 04/19/2024

Course Details

Session, Dates: 1 (08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Time: -
Location: Moon Campus
Seats Available: Canceled as of 04/19/2024
Credits: 3

Course Description

In a studio setting, students will build upon the processes and ideas learned in their Media Arts and cross-disciplinary courses. The end result of combining their skills will be multiple proposals and prototypes for creative experiences that will be further refined or expanded in ARTM4720 Experience Design Studio 2. Throughout XD Studio I, students will participate in interactive experiences and examine case studies that will inform their project proposals, choice of approach and prototypes. Through lectures, demonstrations, field trips and design challenges, students will focus on the art, technology, and design methods for effectively creating experiences for others. Pre-requisits: 90 Credits

Course Materials

About the Instructor(s)

No Instructor has been assigned to teach this course. Check back later.