HIST3800-A Modern East Asia (Fall 2024)
This section was canceled as of 09/09/2024

Course Details

Session, Dates: 1 (08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Time: -
Location: Moon Campus
Seats Available: Canceled as of 09/09/2024
Credits: 3

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to the contemporary history of major countries of the Pacific Rim. The course focuses on China and Japan, but content will also address Korea and Vietnam. In addition to history, this course will also include the impact and relevance of religion, geography, economics, and culture on the East Asian people.

Prerequisites: HIST1100, HIST1200, HIST1700, OR HIST1800 3 Credits

Course Materials

About the Instructor(s)

No Instructor has been assigned to teach this course. Check back later.