PSYC6070-A Research/Program Evaluation (Spring 2024)

Course Details

Session, Dates: 3 (01/16/2024 - 03/08/2024)
Days: W
Time: 06:00 - 10:00 pm
Location: Moon Campus
Seats Available: 3 Seats
Credits: 3

Course Description

This course offers a study of the methods and application of psychological research and it is intended to provide a knowledge foundation from which you could design and conduct an independent research project. The skills and knowledge of research are necessary for you to be able to demonstrate accountability and determine what works and what does not work with your particular client base. Although some time will be devoted to descriptive and non-experimental research, the course will emphasize experimental and quasi-experimental designs for drawing causal inferences. This course should provide you with tools to recognize testable hypotheses, plan as well as critically evaluate studies in your field, as well as gather, analyze, interpret, and present data. As such, it is expected that you will develop an informed appreciation of the role and contribution of science in your profession from the perspective of researchers as well as consumers of research. 3 Credits

Course Materials

About the Instructor(s)

Kelly L. Lombard, Ed.D.
Part-Time Faculty
Scaife Hall 009