BIOL2580-A Zoology Laboratory (Spring 2024)
Course Details
Session, Dates: 1 (01/16/2024 - 05/03/2024)
Days: W
Time: 03:00 - 05:30 pm
Location: Moon Campus
Room: John Jay 239
Seats Available: No Seats 0 Waiting
Credits: 1
Course Description
The laboratory course is designed to provide practical experience and reinforcement of the material discussed in the lecture. Labs will focus both on cellular/microscopic identification of specialized cells from each phyla as well as dissection/macroscopic identification of major organ, organ systems and body parts from each phyla. Through lab experimentation and observation, students will be able to describe the structure and function of each organ or organ system in relevant phyla. Observations will be translated into drawings and descriptions resulting in identification of the animal, organ or cell which will be made into a formal lab notebook and turned in for grading.
Co-requisite: BIOL2570 1 Credits
Co-requisite: BIOL2570 1 Credits
Course Materials
About the Instructor(s)
Catherine J. Hanna, Ph.D.
412-397-6334 phone
412-397-4075 fax
John Jay 220
Associate Professor of Biology
412-397-6334 phone
412-397-4075 fax
John Jay 220