FYSP1020-A An Orientation To Amer Univers (Spring 2024)
For additional course information, First Class requirements, syllabus, etc., check the About The Instructor(s) section for a link to a Faculty Website.

Course Details

Session, Dates: 3 (01/16/2024 - 03/08/2024)
Days: T R
Time: 03:30 - 04:45 pm
Location: Moon Campus
Seats Available: 12 Seats
Credits: 3

Course Description

The goal of the First-Year Studies Program -- International (FYSP1020) is to provide the opportunity to learn and practice methods necessary for college success while adjusting to the American university teaching and learning environment and culture. FYSP 1020 is an academic course designed to support international student learning and development in the critical first semester of college at an American university and seeks to ensure that they have the knowledge and resources to meet their personal, academic, professional and immigration needs and responsibilities.

Course Materials

About the Instructor(s)

Derya A. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Vice President for Corporate Relations and Strategic Initiatives
Corporate Relations and Strategic Initiatives

Professor of Operations Research

412-397-6363 phone
412-397-2528 fax
Lafayette Center 117

Jessica A. Schrader, M.A.
Manager, Education Abroad
Center for Global Engagement

Part-Time Faculty
Arts and Humanities

412-397-6493 phone
412-397-6317 fax
Colonial Village #2