MGMT3600-L1 Human Resource Management (Spring 2025)
Course Details
Section will be taught totally online with no scheduled class meetings. Students must arrange for daily access to a computer and the Internet prior to the start of classes. Robert Morris labs are to be used only as a backup in special situations and may not be relied upon for extended periods of time. In addition to the Internet link, online classes have a large emphasis on email. All messages from the instructor and other information regarding online classes, including user ids, passwords, and login instructions will be sent to your Robert Morris University email account. Visit for more information.
Session, Dates: 2 (01/18/2025 - 03/14/2025)
Time: -
Location: Internet/Online
Seats Available: No Seats 0 Waiting
Credits: 3
Course Description
This course stresses that the acquisition, training, and maintenance of human resource assets involves both a process and a partnership between managers and human resource specialists. Relevant areas of the course content include legal guidelines for human resource managers, federal and state laws affecting human resource management, workplace diversity, equal employment opportunity, forecasting, recruitment and selection, orientation and training, performance appraisal, employee rights, employment-at-will, due process, and discipline. Lecture, group case problems, role playing, and in-basket exercises are used.
Prerequisites: MGMT2000 3 Credits
Prerequisites: MGMT2000 3 Credits
Course Materials
About the Instructor(s)
Jasmin Lin, Ph.D.
Massey Hall 321
Professor of Management
Massey Hall 321