MGMT4850-SA Strategic Management (Spring 2025)
Course Details
Session, Dates: 1 (01/21/2025 - 05/09/2025)
Time: -
Location: Moon Campus
Seats Available: No Seats 0 Waiting
Credits: 3
Course Description
This course is the capstone course for seniors in business administration. Students learn and apply the concepts and processes of strategy using a case methodology. Emphasis is upon the fit between external opportunities/threats and internal resources that produce superior performance. Major topics include:mission statements, environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation.
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and FINA3000 and MGMT2000 (MGMT3100) and 90 (applicable) credits 3 Credits
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and FINA3000 and MGMT2000 (MGMT3100) and 90 (applicable) credits 3 Credits
Course Materials
About the Instructor(s)
No Instructor has been assigned to teach this course. Check back later.