MGMT2000-B Management Theory and Practice (Spring 2025)
For additional course information, First Class requirements, syllabus, etc., check the About The Instructor(s) section for a link to a Faculty Website.

Course Details

Session, Dates: 1 (01/21/2025 - 05/09/2025)
Days: T R
Time: 02:00 - 03:15 pm
Location: Moon Campus
Room: Patrick Henry OLS
Seats Available: 1 Seat!
Credits: 3

Course Description

This course is the foundation course for management majors (course code replaces MG303). The course traces the development of management thought and practice from pre- Industrial Revolution to preparation for Century 2000. The course presents the shift in management paradigms and legal requirements; the changes in organizational structures; and the evolution of management theories. Goals of the course include helping students integrate theories into a coherent knowledge background for advanced management courses and building a framework for future management practice. 3 Credits

Course Materials

About the Instructor(s)

Denis P. Rudd, Ed.D., FMP
University Professor of Hospitality Management
Patrick Henry 204