Course Descriptions for the Computer & Information Systems Department

Computer Information Systems  
List of all courses and their descriptions
List of all courses, their descriptions and offerings in the schedule book

CYBS2000 - Introduction To Cybersecurity

Summer 2024

This course provides an introductory study of cybersecurity. The course exposes students to the terminology, principles, and technologies related to cybersecurity and its implementation in various industries. The course covers the fundamental concepts of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and applies these to present-day computing situation, including legal issues, security planning, and security awareness.
3 Credits

CYBS2010 - Computing Principles & Practic

Summer 2024

This course helps students master computing principles and computer troubleshooting. Students evaluate, install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot computer hardware components and operating systems; study computer systems and subsystems that are used in enterprises and organizations including, processor design, CPU architecture, number systems used in computing, storage subsystems, and memory subsystems.
3 Credits

CYBS3120 - Intro To Digital Forensics

Summer 2024

This course exposes the students to computer forensics. This course presents methods to properly conduct a computer forensics investigation beginning with a discussion of ethics, while mapping to the objectives of the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) certification. The course provides an overview of digital investigations and data recovery with emphasis on data presentation techniques and chain-of-evidence procedures. Current computer forensics tools are presented along with controls required for digital evidence acquisition.
3 Credits

CYBS3170 - Cyberlaw

Summer 2024

This course examines how laws have had to change to account for the expanded realm of crimes in the digital age. Identity theft has become far too commonplace; it takes victims of identity theft hundreds of hours over a four to six month period. In October of 1998, Congress enacted the necessary legal countermeasures to battle the growing problem of identity theft. Sexual harassment complaints can now be triggered simply by an employee forwarding questionable email to fellow employees. Some regard intellectual property rights violations to be innocent flattery, while others consider them to be violations that must be stamped out by force of law. Plagiarism by students who pull content from the Internet is a growing problem. Stalkers can log into their victims lives and gain access to highly confidential medical and financial information, and even sabotage their victim's reputations. This course examines current literature on such topics.
3 Credits

CYBS3190 - Cyber Forensic Investigations

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

CYBS3191 - Mobile Forensics

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

CYBS3220 - Secure System Design

Summer 2024

A detailed understanding of the analysis, design, and implementation of trusted systems is essential for the development of secure information systems. This course provides an overview of computer security to include an analysis of computer security in relation to systems design, why systems are not secure, and the general concepts and design techniques applicable to the design of secure modern information systems, software, and applications. It examines in detail the principles of security architecture, access control, policy, and the threat of malicious code; the considerations of trusted system implementation to include security models, and the related assurance measures associated with trusted systems to include documentation, formal specification, verification, and testing.
3 Credits

CYBS3242 - Advanced Programming & Applica

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with an in-depth understanding of advanced tools in Python focusing on programming techniques, optimization, and abstraction to secure applications. The course equips students with the skills to write well-documented code using the standard Python syntax. The course introduces best practices that prepare students to use python to develop secure applications.
3 Credits

CYBS3250 - Advanced Programming & Applica

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with an in-depth understanding of advanced tools in Python focusing on programming techniques, optimization, and abstraction to secure applications. The course equips students with the skills to write well-documented code using the standard Python syntax. The course introduces best practices that prepare students to use python to develop secure applications.
3 Credits

CYBS3850 - Ethical Hacking: Pen Testing

Summer 2024

This course equips students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct authorized ethical hacking and penetration testing for the purpose of identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities. Students learn to apply the methods, techniques, and tools for reconnaissance, vulnerability scanning and analysis, and exploitations of application and network vulnerabilities. Students conduct pen testing and ethical hacking, reconnaissance, footprinting, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, web hacking, network and wireless hacking, vulnerability analysis, and pen testing reports.
3 Credits

CYBS4000 - Cybersecurity Research

Summer 2024

This is an introductory course to provide exposure and practical experience for undergraduate students on the fundamentals of scientific research process, methodology, and significant issues for research and exploration in the cybersecurity field. Course topics include the definition of scientific research, research process, quantitative and qualitative methodology, research design, as well as the process and ethics of scholarly peer reviews and publications. The course provides opportunities for students to gain practical experience of developing and submitting research proposals and papers on selected cybersecurity topics. Course
Prerequisites: CYBS2000
3 Credits

CYBS4180 - Network Forensics

Summer 2024

This course teaches students how to prevent unauthorized access to computer networks, to minimize the damage caused to networks and computers by intruders, and to use forensics techniques to discover and analyze digital evidence after an attack has occurred. The course provides techniques for recognizing and responding to various types of attacks, on a variety of computer networks and operating systems.
3 Credits

CYBS4250 - Data Security & Cryptography

Summer 2024

Today, cryptography is everywhere! This course introduces modern applied cryptography by learning about how crypto schemes work and how they can be used in practice to secure data both at rest and in motion. It explains not only how cryptographic primitives work but also how to use them correctly and reason about security. It covers modern crypto schemes of practical relevance, including the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES) and 3DES, RSA cryptosystem, elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC), Diffie-Hellman key exchange, digital signatures, and the SHA hash function family. Protocols and key establishment methods, including certificates and public-key infrastructure, are also introduced. This course focuses on cryptographic algorithms and their minimum mathematical background to better understand the essentials.
3 Credits

CYBS4300 - Cybersecurity Risk Management

Summer 2024

This course addresses how risk management is the core of cybersecurity planning in an organization. Students gain an understanding of informational assets, risk management and how risk, threats, and vulnerabilities impact information systems.The course provides guidance on how to assess and manage risk based on defining an acceptable level of risk for information systems. This course also covers elements of a business impact analysis (BIA), business continuity plan (BCP), disaster recovery plan (DRP), and computer incident response team (CIRT) plan. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYBS4340 - Cyber Incident Response and Pl

Summer 2024

This course introduces students to the approach and coordination from incident detection to resolution, students analyze, handle, and respond to security incidents. Students detect modern cyber-attacks and hunt for intrusions by analyzing traffic flows and endpoints, as well as utilizing analytics and tactical threat intelligence; Implement a plan for continuous improvement to mitigate the impact of incidents. Students develop a comprehensive incident response plan. 3 credits
3 Credits

CYBS4350 - Cybersecurity Policy

Summer 2024

This course addresses the fundamental role of security policies in connecting an organization's mission and vision to its daily activities and tasks. The course focuses on collecting security policy requirements, identifying/developing the proper security policy framework, creating new security policies, implementing security policies, security policies control, and the creation and implementation in the cybersecurity context. 3 credits
3 Credits

CYBS4360 - Emrgng Topics In Cybersecurity

Summer 2024

This course introduces issues, trends and ideas about emerging topics in the field of cybersecurity. Topics include ransomware, digital currencies, data privacy, AI cybersecurity and threat detection to name a few. Social, legal, ethical, political and global aspects of cybersecurity will be examined. The course examines the cybersecurity threat landscape to include mobile devices, IoT, social media vulnerabilities and SCADA systems.
3 Credits

CYBS4855 - Cyber Security Ethics

Fall 2024

Course Description:This is a senior seminar that addresses important ethical issues, frameworks, challenges, and best practices in analyzing and evaluating cybersecurity threats, risks, and solutions. The course work includes substantial discussions and case studies to develop strong critical thinking and competencies in ethical standards and judgment for cybersecurity decisions and behavior for professional service in public and private sectors. Course
Prerequisites: CYBS2000
3 Credits

CYBS4870 - Cybersecurity Capstone

Summer 2024

This course is a semester-long capstone-based project requiring students to apply skills learned throughout the cybersecurity program. Students complete a comprehensive project report and hands-on work designing or developing, or analyzing and assessing an enterprise-type cybersecurity solution. Students are also encouraged to pursue cybersecurity certifications to strengthen their professional credentials
3 Credits

CYBS4880 - Digital Forensics Capstone

Summer 2024

This course is a semester long capstone-based project requiring students to apply skills learned throughout the digital forensics program. Students work on an individual project where they implement a systematic approach to digital investigations. Students can use an existing case study as a guide or create their own project-based scenario where they implement the phases of a digital investigation (pending instructor approval). The development of a forensic plan to analyze and process digital evidence is implemented, along with the applicable laws related to the search and seizure of digital evidence.
3 Credits

CYBS4900 - Sfs Seminar

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

0 Credits

INFS1020 - Fund Of Information Technology

Summer 2024

Fundamentals of Information Technology provides the student with an understanding of computers and the impact of information technology on organizations and society. The complexity of designing effective information systems is discussed, and the student learns to compare, analyze, and evaluate information. Students will examine social, legal, and ethical issues involving privacy, intellectual property, health concerns, and accessibility. The course involves both an overview of technological concepts and student practice in solving typical information-related problems. The course includes the use of Excel and various other software. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS1025 - Honors: Fundmntl Of Intro Tech

Summer 2024

Fundamentals of Information Technology provides the student with an understanding of computers and the impact of information technology on organizations and society. The complexity of designing effective information systems is discussed, and the student learns to compare, analyze, and evaluate information. Students will examine social, legal, and ethical issues involving privacy, intellectual property, health concerns, and accessibility. The course involves both an overview of technological concepts and student practice in solving typical information-related problems. The course includes the use of Excel and various other software. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS1030 - Foundations Of Info Sys Mgmt

Summer 2024

This course introduces students to fundamental concepts in management information systems (MIS), the role of computers in MIS, and some details of how the computer functions. Students learn the organizational and technical foundations of information systems, theory of information systems design, database principles, network systems, E-commerce, information network security management, and how these systems can meet global challenges. The course also provides various types of application software that have become prevalent or are emerging in modern organizations and society.
3 Credits

INFS1999 - Information Science Elective

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

1 Credits

INFS2020 - Operating Systems

Summer 2024

The Operating Systems course introduces the fundamental principles of an operating system. The course starts with a brief overview of operating system history and then covers major components and algorithms of most modern operating systems. Students learn critical design issues and their trade-offs in designing and implementing an operating system. Emphasis is placed on process management, concurrency, memory management, persistence, and security in an operating system. The course combines understanding theoretical concepts of operating systems and their hands-on implementation using a multithreaded programming library.
3 Credits

INFS2110 - Programming Logic

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS2120 - Visual Basic Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with experience in using the microcomputer as a problem-solving tool. The primary feature is the development of well-structured, user-friendly applications using the Visual Basic programming language. Concise problem analysis, logic development, and programming techniques are emphasized. Programming competency in Visual Basic is developed and applied to a wide range of potential business and other applications. Topics ranging from introductory programming concepts through various file creation/manipulation/update applications are presented and practiced. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS2130 - Cobol Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with the practice following program specifications to design, develop, debug, and test COBOL programs using an IBM mainframe computer with the zEnterprise operating system. Emphasis is placed on structured programming techniques, logic structures, and modular design; along with the use of design tools such file layouts, print charts, structure charts, and pseudocode. Students are introduced to TSO logon procedures, JCL, the ISPF, and SDSF. Fundamental COBOL coding rules and syntax, sequential batch report file processing. arithmetic verbs, conditional control structures, utility sorting, control-break logic, and processing and searching single-level tables are presented.
3 Credits

INFS2140 - M Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with experience in analyzing and designing comprehensive medical, financial, and other general information systems through the use of the M language in the context of a shared global database environment. Emphasis is placed on the unique on-line, interactive characteristics of the M programming language used to solve a wide range of problems quickly and efficiently. The course includes experiences relating to the design and development of system applications using the M language and serves as an introduction to the more sophisticated"FileMan" techniques integrated into INFS3141 Advanced M Programming.
3 Credits

INFS2150 - Intro To Web Development

Summer 2024

Web Design is an intermediate level course that integrates Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the JavaScript programming language, and Dynamic HTML into a deliverable web-based eCommerce or Transactional Processing System interface. CSSs display and print properties are presented in detail through various practical Web design projects. Student will be able to organize complicated web page designs, position HTML elements, control visibility and presentation of HTML layers similar in quality found in the desktop publishing environment. By using the Document Object Model, students will use JavaScript client-side programming language to transform static web pages into applications that will interact with the web user, enhance document navigation, process data before submitting to a server and store state information through the use of cookies. Integrating DHTML (Dynamic HTML) concepts with JavaScript will enable a student to code JavaScript that will change Web page content and style dynamically and instantly in response to user interaction.
3 Credits

INFS2151 - Java Programming

Summer 2024

Java Programming will provide the opportunity for students to learn an object-oriented language and to learn object-oriented programming. The course is aimed at learning how to program in Java and developing Java applications and applets. Topics included are Object-oriented Programming, Classes, Objects, Instances, Methods, Applets and Applications, Control Structures in Java, Java Arrays (as Objects), Strings and Characters, Graphics, Multimedia, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Files and Streams, Networking, Data Structures, Java Utilities, Bit Manipulation. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS2160 - Visual C# Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop well-structured, user-friendly applications using the Visual C programming language. The courses begins by covering topics such as designing user interfaces, understanding variables and arithmetic operations, making decisions, and using loop structures and files. Building on this knowledge, coverage progresses to more advanced topics, such as modularizing code with methods, arrays and lists and creating classes and objects. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS2184 - C++ Programming

Summer 2024

Programming in C/C++ introduces the C and C++ languages and their common usage. Students will be introduced to all of the data structures, operators and logic features of C and C++ in a functionally oriented program. The ANSI draft standard specifications for C++ will be used. Students will also gain an appreciation for the style typically used by C programmers in business. Students will also be introduced to object oriented programming concepts. Students will write structured programs that create classes and class hierarchies and implement operator and function overloading. Microsoft Visual C++ will be used to analyze, present, and debug these programs in a visual environment. Students will also be able to write their own commands executable from the DOS or UNIX command line. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS2410 - Office Info Sys Applications

Summer 2024

This course (Office Information Systems Applications) provides the student with the ability to use and integrate advanced features of word processing, spreadsheet, and database software to process applicable office information systems documents. Software proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, and database is required. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS2412 - Desktop Publishing

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with the opportunity to apply desktop publishing concepts and to use popular word processing software and desktop publishing software packages on a microcomputer to produce near-typeset quality newsletters, brochures, flyers, and reports. Software proficiency in word processing is required. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS2420 - Fundamentals Of Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the opportunity for students to learn an object-oriented language and to learn object-oriented programming. The course is aimed at learning how to program in Java and developing Java applications. Topics included are Object-oriented Programming, Classes, Objects, Instances, Methods, Control Structures in Java, Java Arrays (as Objects), Strings and Characters, Exception Handling, Files and Streams.
3 Credits

INFS2470 - Decision Support Systems

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with theoretical and practical experience in applying microcomputer software (such as spreadsheet, database, graphics, and/or traditional programming languages) to support organizational decision-making processes. The concepts addressed include: analyzing business problems; identifying the information needed to make strategic and functional decisions; identifying software best suited to the problem solution; and designing, developing, and implementing the solution. Case studies that address information processing problems from various business and other disciplines are used throughout the course. The course builds on fundamental spreadsheet and database management skills, and provides for the development of additional technical, systems design, and problem-solving skills.
3 Credits

INFS2480 - Telecomm For Info Professional

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with the background necessary to evaluate the requirements for telecommunications infrastructure. This includes selection of hardware; software and carrier transport services to support telecommunications in a business organization. Emphasis is on covering the essential elements that are part of any telecommunications infrastructure. The three major components of telecommunications convergence will be covered including architecture, applications and end-user devices. Emerging technology changes affecting network integration, such as lines (transports), features, multi-function telephone systems, encoding, protocols, bandwidth economics, Total cost of ownership and return on investment are treated.
3 Credits

INFS2999 - Information Science Elective

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

1 Credits

INFS3100 - Global Perspectives Of Informa

Summer 2024

This FLEAP (Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program) course involves both classroom time and a 10-day program in the chosen country/countries for the current academic year, where students will have the opportunity to explore the ways in which technology is viewed and used in other parts of the world outside of the United States. Students will be immersed in an experience abroad where they will see the cultural and societal impacts of technology. World views surrounding emerging issues and current trends in technology, national and international cyber threats, and other issues will be explored, with a focus on global, social, political, economic, and ethical perspectives. Further, students will examine how technological changes have impact on a global scale, at personal, organizational, and national levels. The FLEAP combines lectures, site visits, tours, and special events in a carefully curated itinerary that provides the student with a unique and exceptional view on technology issues in the host country/countries. Additional fees and approval from the Center for Global Engagement are required to attend this course.
Prerequisite: 30 credits
3 Credits

INFS3110 - Mobile Security Policy

Summer 2024

Mobile Security Policy will be critically addressed. Students will learn the life cycle of policy creation and enactment in the area of cyber security, with a focus on mobile security. Students will also be exposed to best practices in policy writing, explore policy frameworks, and discuss challenges to implementing and enforcing security policy. This course will also address mobile security concerns including risks, threats, and mitigation strategies for the mobile ecosystem, including mobile device management, mobile application management, and disaster recovery strategies. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS3115 - Mobile App Developmnt With Ios

Summer 2024

This course teaches how to develop native applications for Apple iOS mobile devices. Differences between mobile web sites, native apps, web-based apps and hybrid apps will be investigated and best practices for mobile interface design will be covered, focusing on user-centered design. The course will cover the tool set for native app development for iOS apps, including programming language (Swift and SwiftUI), the Cocoa Touch framework, design patterns, and use of the Xcode integrated development environment and iOS Simulator. Students will learn how to develop iOS apps using a variety of interface controls and frameworks. Topics related to publishing apps and understanding enterprise-level concerns for app management and security will also be explored.
3 Credits

INFS3116 - Mobile App Devel With Android

Summer 2024

This course teaches how to develop native applications for mobile dThis course teaches how to develop native applications for mobile devices using the Android platform. The course will utilize the Java programming language and will cover the use of the Eclipse integrated development environment with Android Developer Tools and the Android Emulator. Students will learn to develop a user interface with a variety of user input and display controls using XML and GridView. Topics such as Views, Activities, Intents, Broadcast Receivers, and Content Providers will be covered. Students will also learn how to integrate media such as images and audio, how to create a drill-down navigation interface, and how to create an app that inputs, modifies, and stores data persistently.
3 Credits

INFS3120 - Intro To Computer Forensics

Summer 2024

This course exposes the student to Computer Forensics and Investigation. This course presents methods to properly conduct a computer forensics investigation beginning with a discussion of ethics, while mapping to the objectives of the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) certification. The course provides an overview of digital investigations and data recovery with emphasis on data presentation techniques and chain-of-evidence procedures. Current computer forensics tools are presented along with controls required for digital evidence acquisition.
3 Credits

INFS3121 - Visual Basic Programming II

Summer 2024

This course assumes prior programming experience in Microsoft Visual Basic and deals with designing and implementing Visual Basic applications in the context of actual information systems in organizations. Topics covered include the design and development of client-server applications, and writing programs that interface with external data structures, such as sequential and random data files, large scale databases, Internet Applications, and standard recurring business reports.
3 Credits

INFS3130 - Advanced Cobol Programming

Summer 2024

Students will be introduced to Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). The structure and application of Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) datasets, i.e., ESDS, KSDS, and RRDS, are compared. Using the IDCAMS utility students will create and a manage VSAM clusters to support basic file maintenance applications. Other COBOL topics include advanced table processing; batch ESDS, KSDS, and RRDS processing and updating, and the use of sub-programs. Additional concepts covered are structured program design considerations, the interrelationship of programs within an information system, coding for program efficiency and clarity, and the creation and use of quality program documentation.
3 Credits

INFS3152 - Adv Java: Application Program

Summer 2024

Advanced Java Programming will provide the opportunity for students to learn an object-oriented language and to learn object-oriented programming in-depth. The course is aimed at expanding and in-depth learning of ideas, syntax, and program models briefly encountered in an introductory course. Topics included are Object-oriented Programming, Classes, Objects, Instances, Methods, Control Structures, Arrays (as Objects), Strings and Characters, JavaFX, Swing, Exception Handling, Text files, Binary files and Streams, and DB connectivity and access.
3 Credits

INFS3170 - Cyberlaw

Summer 2024

This course is designed to enable students, including but not limited to organizational studies, and information technology students, to concentrate on the legal issues and challenges that the changes in technology have created such as on-line contracting, computer crime, fraud, privacy, defamation, hate speech, indecency, obscenity, cyber- squatting, intellectual property etc. The goal is not to teach students to be lawyers, but rather to provide students the tools to be able to identify problems in the world arising from the ever increasing activity on-line. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS3185 - Advanced C++ Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with the concept of data structures such as strings, lists, trees, multilevel lists, files, and data-method integration (object-oriented programming). Practice in implementing these concepts is provided using C++ as the programming language. Emphasis is placed on the algorithm design of business application solutions, using a significant number of data structures. The student will develop, modify, and/or maintain solutions to business systems problems that illustrate the use of discussed techniques. Additional topics covered include alogrithms for creating, organizing, searching, and updating data, and the use of recursion. Terms of importance that are discussed include strings, arrays, records, sets, files, pointers, lists, stacks, queues, trees, and heaps. Hands on experience will be provided through implementation of algorithms through the development of C++ programs.
3 Credits

INFS3190 - Digital Evidence Analysis

Summer 2024

Digital Evidence Analysis teaches students how to understand, analyze and decipher digital evidence to include computer images, social media, Internet and multimedia evidence. The course walks students through the proper legal procedures for acquiring, analyzing, and storing digital and multimedia evidence. The course also teaches students how to conduct Internet investigations through open source and online tools. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS3191 - Mobile Forensics

Summer 2024

This course covers areas of mobile forensics, which include topics from the legal and technical aspects of this discipline. Forensics tools will be utilized to examine flash drives, cell phones, PDAs, GPS devices and digital cameras. Recovered data will include call logs, address books, text messages, videos, Internet history and service provider information Fundamental topics include the differences between private and criminal investigations, issues regarding privacy, incident response policy, and the Fourth Amendment. The course will cover mobile phone networks, the network authentication process, differences between GSM and CDMA devices and how to extract information from a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards.
3 Credits

INFS3210 - Operating Systems Concepts

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with a view of hardware/software configurations as integrated systems, giving students a basic understanding of what an operating system is and how it works. In addition, fundamental concepts and constraints of computer architecture are presented. Compilation and execution concepts are examined in detail. Specific examples of single-user and multi-user operating systems (such as MS-DOS and Windows, Windows NT, UNIX, and IBM mainframe operating systems) are used to illustrate the range of tasks that an operating system accomplishes. The approach taken is the system designers and the system administrators views of the hardware together with the operating system software.
3 Credits

INFS3211 - Microcomputing Technology (A+)

Summer 2024

This course focuses on installing, supporting, securing, and troubleshooting personal computers, laptops, mobile hardware, and Windows 7/8 operating systems. Hands-on virtual simulations will be an important instructional component of this course. Support and troubleshooting processors, RAM, device interfaces, storage devices, and storage architecture and I/O devices, such as, SATA, Solid State devices, SCSI, optical devices, RAID, NAS, SAN, barcode readers, digital cameras, webcams, graphic tablets, motion controllers, TV tuners and video systems will be covered. Installation, support and troubleshooting wired and wireless TCP/IP4/IP6 home networks, network devices and applications, Virtualization and cloud fundamentals, Linux, MAC OS X, .g., Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile operating systems and devices will be introduced. Best security, licensing, prohibited activity, and data destruction policies, personal computer safety procedures of environmental concerns will also be presented. The topics in this course have been selected to prepare students to take the CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 220- 902 Certification test, as well as the Testout PC Pro virtual simulation test. Topics in this course may change as the test certification test content changes.
Prerequisite: INFS2110, INFS2120, INFS2130, INFS2140, INFS2150, INFS2151, INFS2160, INFS2184 or MATH2070 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS3212 - Enterprise Operating Systems

Summer 2024

This course provides an integrated view of using IBM zEnterprise systems to prepare students to take the IBM System Z Mastery test. An overview for zEnterprise hardware concepts, z/OS operating system concepts, and interactive facilities, such as TSO/E, ISPF and UNIX will be presented. The roles of virtual and physical storage, LPARs, Parallel Sysplex, z/VM, and cluster technologies to provide scalability and continuous availability within zEnterprise systems are discussed. Students will be provided hands-on experiences using z/FS data sets, ISPF, SDSF, JCL, and JES3. A batch COBOL application will be edited, compiled, linked, and executed and debugged. CICS applications, WebSphere (J2EE) applications, and WebSphere MQ services will be compared as alternatives to zEnterprise interfaces, middleware and OLTP transactional services. An overview of system programming and SMP/E, zEnterprise database management systems, clients and utilities, e.g., DB2, IMS, SPUFI, QMF, z/OS HTTP web server, VTAM, TCP/IP, and RACF (IBM Security Server) will be introduced. Access to a zEnterprise system, hands-on exercises, and online support materials are important components of this course.
3 Credits

INFS3220 - Systems Analysis and Design

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with theory and practice associated with the analysis and design of computer-based information systems. Fundamental topics include systems theory, the role of the information system in operating and managing the organization, and systems design concepts. The purpose, function, and expected outcomes of each phase and activity of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) are discussed from theoretical and practical perspectives. Specific design techniques, such as data flow diagrams and data dictionaries, are discussed and used. Other topics include the function of design tools such as CASE, planning techniques, and project management. Case studies are used to supplement lectures, with hands-on experiences in applying the SDLC to the analysis and design of information systems.
3 Credits

INFS3221 - Advanced Sys Analysis/Design

Summer 2024

introduces the foundational and advanced concepts in information systems analysis, design, and development. It covers both foundational principles, and new, success-oriented methodologies, such as agile iterative, incremental development approaches. The course focuses on user stories, use cases, object-oriented modeling, comprehensive project management, the unified modeling language, and agile techniques. Object methods are contrasted with classical procedural methods. .
3 Credits

INFS3222 - It Security, Control/Assurance

Summer 2024

This course provides the foundation for understanding the key issues associated with protecting information assets, determining the levels of protection and response to security incidents, and designing a consistent, reasonable information security system, with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features. The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an overview of the field of information security and assurance. Students will be exposed to the spectrum of security activities, methods, methodologies, and procedures. Coverage will include inspection and protection of information assets, detection of and reaction to threats to information assets, and examination of pre- and post-incident procedures, technical and managerial responses, and an overview of the information security planning and staffing functions.
3 Credits

INFS3223 - It Governance, Control/Assuran

Summer 2024

This course utilizes the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) taxonomy to provide the student with an integrated theoretical and practical perspective of technology and information systems governance, control, and assurance. Emphasis is on the key control mechanisms that support the achievement of control objectives as well as the prevention, detection, and correction of undesired events through responsible uses of resources, appropriate management of risk, and the alignment of information technology with the organization. As an underlying tenet, the course emphasizes refining individual communications skills necessary to the field of information systems governance, control, and assurance.
3 Credits

INFS3230 - Computer Networking

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with terminology and concepts related to data communications. Modes of data transmission and transmission media are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the integration of electronic principles with systems analysis and design for computer networks. The role of telecommunications in systems design for networking and distributed processing is presented, along with the architecture of data communication systems ranging from local area networks to international wide area networks. Also discussed are common data communication error detection and correction techniques, available communications software, common carrier services, and prevailing relative costs for those services.
3 Credits

INFS3231 - Network Technology & Mgt (N+)

Summer 2024

This practical "hands-on" course is aimed at those students that have passed A+ Certification or have equivalent knowledge. On course completion, students should be able to: install and configure a network card; define the concepts of network layers; understand principles of extending networks and interconnectivity; understand and implement the TCP/IP protocol; use test equipment to troubleshoot network connectivity. Part of the content is similar to Microsofts "Networking Essentials" exam. The course has been developed to produce competent network support technicians that are capable of taking and passing the new Network+ certification exam.
3 Credits

INFS3235 - Network Security

Summer 2024

This course is intended to meet the needs of students and professionals who want to master practical network and computer security. A basic knowledge of computers and networks is required. Those seeking to pass the Computing Technology Industry Associations (CompTIAs) Security+ certification exam will find the course texts approach and content especially helpful, because all Security+ objectives are covered in the textbook Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals. The course and the books pedagogical features are designed to provide a truly interactive learning experience to help prepare the students for the challenges of network and computer security and to develop methodologies for the control and audit of computerized information systems.
3 Credits

INFS3240 - Python Program Language

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with an introduction to the Python programming language which includes: working with large datasets, lists, looping, and file operation. Outcomes of this course will be Python programs including Data Visualization 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS3242 - Analytics With Python

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with the skills needed to use advanced tools in Python that focus on data manipulation and Analysis as well as advanced data visualization. Students learn how to use the PANDAS library for data science analysis and the creation of website API for data gathering and manipulation. Students evaluate Python code as well as develop their own code and analyze complex data sets.
3 Credits

INFS3410 - Training/Development In Bus

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with application of theories of learning and instructional development to the education and training of employees in office information systems. Topics include instructional design, strategy, technology; and the implementation, evaluation, and management of training in an organizational environment.
3 Credits

INFS3420 - Windows 2000 Prof/Server Combi

Summer 2024

This course will prepare the student to take the first two Microsoft MCP exams. Topics covered in the course will follow the Microsoft Windows 2000 exam study outlines and will deal with all phases of the administration and operation of the client-side and the configuration, administration and operation of the server side of Microsoft Windows 2000. This course will prepare the student for taking the following Microsoft MCP exams: Installing, configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Exam 70-210), and installing, configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows Server (Exam 70-215)
6 Credits

INFS3440 - Health Care Information System

Summer 2024

Health Care Information Systems provides the student with an introduction to Information Technology and its infusion into the modern Health Care environment. Starting with the historical perspective, it progresses to the pertinent issues that can be addressed by Information Technology and Medical Informatics. Students will develop an understanding of the processes for identifying health care system needs and for the design and implementation of systems that meet requirements for patient care, administration, quality assurance, cost control and education with E-Health and Internet-based informational structures. Computer-based electronic patient record systems will be emphasized as the most important element of the on-going health care evolution. Students will also examine the database technologies of the M, Vista and Epic standards
3 Credits

INFS3450 - Discrete Mathematics For Compu

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with applications of discrete analytic methods in software design and development, programming, networks and data communication, operating systems and computer hardware, database design and implementation, and network security. Topics include sets, Boolean logic, logic statements and rules, functions, relations, foundations of relational databases, directed and undirected graphs, shortest path determination, programming language documentation, number systems, code sets (like ASCII, Unicode, ISO standards), and searching algorithms.
3 Credits

INFS3500 - Network Management and Adminis

Summer 2024

The course introduces the fundamental principles of computer network management. The course starts with a brief overview of the computer network and a detailed discussion of packet. It covers the concepts of IPv4, IPv6, IPv4 related protocols, routing algorithms, and Border Gateway Protocol. The course emphasizes critical network management concepts, such as congestion control, quality of service, queuing and scheduling, and SNMP. Students learn the importance of security in network management and the different tools used by network administrators for network management.
3 Credits

INFS3510 - Introduction To Data Analytics

Summer 2024

Data Analytics provides the student with a broad overview of the analytics landscape, including the tools and techniques that are successfully utilized by 21st century organizations. Students learn about the history and evolution of Data Analytics (DA), Business Analytics (BA), and Business Intelligence (BI) from standardized reporting to a flexible, integrated Information Ecosystem that provides modern decision makers with essential, accurate, and timely information. The emphasis of this course centers on the proper deployment and use of analytics techniques and technologies to best meet the information requirements of modern decision makers. An overview of current analytics tools and concepts is also provided, including Data Warehousing, Data Mining, GIS, OLAP, Big Data, Business Performance Management (BPM), and others.
3 Credits

INFS3710 - Knowledge Management

Summer 2024

This course provides opportunities to study the defining and fundamental concepts of knowledge management. Knowledge management is the logical and historical extension of expert systems in business and knowledgebase systems. The course covers methods of knowledge creation and acquisition, and techniques of knowledge representation, as well as the use of knowledge in organizations. There is a discussion of the ethics of knowledge management. The defining and fundamental concepts covered are data, information, and knowledge, tacit and explicit knowledge, personal and organizational knowledge maps, knowledge access and processing, sharing and application. The course introduces students to knowledge systems and associated software
3 Credits

INFS3800 - Twc Natl Security Seminar

Summer 2024

The Washington Center National Security Seminar program is a ten day program in Washington, D.C. where students will examine the inner workings of the U.S. national security landscape with nationally recognized journalists, politicians, analysts and scholars in the area of national security and cyber security. It is an opportunity for students to explore the protection of U.S. interests at home, abroad and cyberspace. As per the material provided by the Washington Center, the seminar is designed to teach students about national security issues and the decision making process. With growing threats from terrorist groups, transnational networks, and cyber terrorism, the United States must contend with a complicated set of direct national security challenges. Through the guidance of a faculty director expert in national security issues, this program will examine how these changesimpact the international arena, as well as, explore how the U.S. can best respond to the myriad of uncertainties present in the world today. The National Security Academic seminar providesstudents with an exceptional behind-the-scenes perspective on Washington and the national security issues of the day. Combining lectures, site visits, tours and special events, students cansee the impact of the role that international institutions and organizations play in an evolving system.During the seminar, students will interact directly with experienced professionals, such as FBI analysts, DOD, and the U.S. Treasury Department which will discuss terrorist financing and financial crimes taking place through technology, plus many others. The complete curriculum for 2018 has not been released yet, but with past seminars students visited embassies, the Pentagon, the State Department and the National Counter Terrorism Center to name a few. Students will explore the inner workings of the U.S. national security landscape.
3 Credits

INFS3850 - Adv Topics In Cyber Defense

Summer 2024

This course is designed for students to learn the knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct authorized ethical hacking and penetration testing for the purpose of identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities. Students will learn to apply the methods, techniques, and tools for reconnaissance, vulnerability scanning and analysis, and exploitations of application and network vulnerabilities. Students will also learn the importance of authorization and planning of penetration testing, identify and evaluate cyber defense solutions and explore innovative methods for network protection and cyber defense.
Prerequisites: INFS3235 and INFS3240
3 Credits

INFS3999 - Information Science Elective

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4150 - Web Applic Devel Using Asp.Net

Summer 2024

This course introduces Web Application Development using the Windows, Internet Information Server, SQL Server, and ASP.NET enterprise application platform. Students will develop an application web site using introductory and intermediateASP.NET server standard, validation, navigation, data and login controls. C will be used to provide additional programmatic capabilities. This course will focus on the development and deployment of a dynamic database web application.
3 Credits

INFS4160 - R and R Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with an introduction to the R programming language and its capability to model data and perform statistical analysis. The outcome of the course will be a research project written in R. Topics covered will include: datasets and dataset construction, graphs, data management, basic statistical analysis, ANOVA and regression. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS4170 - Global, Econ, Soc, and Ethic

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with the tools necessary to make good ethical decisions in their role as a technology professional in a global context. The course will cover general issues related to various economic, ethical, and social frameworks and move to topics specifically related to computers. Emphasis is placed on the study of ethical questions that arise as a consequence of the development and deployment of computers and computing technologies. Moral and social ethical and economic issues will be identified and brought into focus, giving the student a means to understand them and make wise decisions. Case studies will be used to facilitate discussions in areas such as; economics of information systems, computer crime and hacking, computer software ownership, database privacy, risks of computing, professional liability, internet freedom in computing, and international laws and punishment. The Global impact of Information Technology on individuals and society will be highlighted. The student will be required to participate in class discussions and present a paper on some area of these issues surrounding computing and society.
3 Credits

INFS4180 - Netwk Forensics, Intr Det/Resp

Summer 2024

Network Forensics, Intrusion Detection, and Response teaches students how to prevent unauthorized access to computer networks and to minimize the damage caused to networks and computers by intruders. The course provides techniques for recognizing and responding to various types of attacks, on a variety of computer networks and operating systems.
3 Credits

INFS4220 - Data Mining Applications

Summer 2024

This course offers the student an overview of data mining with emphasis placed on using data mining as an appropriate problem-solving strategy. The statistical techniques behind the wide variety of data mining tools available are explored. Various software packages, such as MSExcel, SPSS, or Cognos may be used with case problems to give the student hands-on experience.
3 Credits

INFS4225 - Enterprise Resource Planning

Summer 2024

This course introduces Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) from the perspectives of computer technologies, data analytics, security, and informatics. A hands-on ERP and data analytic approach review ledgers, journals, introductory, and ERP subsystems. Students gain experience using Oracle cloud-based NetSuite ERP for real-time data analytics and analysis reports to support decisions. Important computer technologies used by ERP systems, such as, introductory database design, electronic automated payment systems, web-based sales or information sites, and integration of JSON and Restful APIs applications, and ERP Artificial Intelligence are introduced.
3 Credits

INFS4240 - Database Management System

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with an introduction to the theory and practice of applying database technology to the solution of business and other information-related problems. Experience is provided with database design and implementation based on a thorough analysis of requirements and information modeling. A graphical user interface (GUI) approach to design and modeling is emphasized. An introduction to relational database technology is provided, highlighting the use of Structured Query Language (SQL) and report generation. Database terminology and concepts, data structures, and a comparison of the relational database model with other models (hierarchical, network, and object-oriented) is addressed. Course includes hands-on experience with the design of and interaction with a working database management system.
3 Credits

INFS4242 - Enterprise Database Systems

Summer 2024

This course focuses on the design, implementation, testing and integration of an IBM DB2 enterprise database with a COBOL DB2 API application. Relational Data Modeling within a business requirement context will be presented. Using a 3270-terminal emulation client, the student will be introduced to SPUFI and QMF to execute SQL batch and static SQL statements. Using DB2I, DCLGEN, ISPF, and SDSF students will code and test COBOL DB2 dynamic SQL interactive applications. The DB2 COBOL application development process, e.g., DB2 Precompile, COBOL load modules, DBRM, packages and plans will be presented. Implementation of cursors, currency, null processing, error handling, basic security and administration will be also presented. Basic SQL DDL commands will be introduced using RDz.
3 Credits

INFS4260 - Data Integration For Analytics

Summer 2024

Data Integration for Analytics (formerly "Data Warehousing") explores all the ways that modern data are integrated, transformed, modeled, and stored to support Data Analytics and Data Science. Specific course topics include: Traditional Data Warehouses, Data Lakes, and In-Memory Databases. Emphasis is placed on developing systems, skills, and strategies to create a comprehensive analytics environment that supports: Data Analytics, Data Mining/Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive/Preemptive Analytics, Geographic/Location Analytics, Real-Time Analytics, Social Media Analytics, Sentiment Analytics, and Big Data Analytics. This course is delivered using readings, discussions, video demonstrations, and hands-on software projects.
3 Credits

INFS4370 - It Governance and Ethics

Summer 2024

This course provides an understanding of social, legal, and ethical issues relating to technology. This course enables students to concentrate on the social, legal, philosophical, ethical, and economic implications of computing and the controversies they raise. This course explores the proliferation of the use of autonomous vehicles and other emerging technologies, and the privacy, risk, intellectual property, crime, and technology controls associated with these innovations.
3 Credits

INFS4460 - Cloud Computg & Amazon Web Ser

Summer 2024

The purpose of the course is to teach cloud computing concepts and architectures within the context of AWS. In addition, the course will help the students to prepare for the Amazon AWS Solutions Architect certification. The students will become familiar with the Amazon Cloud architecture and several essential cloud services such as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and Relational Database Service (RDS). They will use a variety of business cases to design the cloud architecture and solutions in AWS. They will create instances in the cloud and manage their clouds with the help of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon Cloud Watch, Auto Scaling, and other AWS services. Pre-requisite: INFS3230 or INFS3231 or ENGR4450 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS4630 - Intro To Geographic Info Syst

Summer 2024

INFS 4630 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems provides the students with an overview of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their use. The strength of GIS is its spatial modeling capability built upon database functionalities combined with an interactive graphical user interface. The course introduces GIS from its roots in computer cartography, and covers the issues of numerical representations, data structures, and file formats in handling and presenting map information, leading to the use of geospatial databases and spatial analysis as well. The technologies used in making digital maps will be discussed, along with the critical reasoning about design and implementation issues in GIS. The students will get a glimpse of the wide range of GIS applications. The course is conducted primarily by lectures, with discussion. There will be substantial lab and project work to get the hands-on experience in GIS applications
3 Credits

INFS4810 - Project Management

Summer 2024

INFS4810 Project Management, the capstone course, utilizes an Information Systems Project Management Taxonomy to provide the student with an integrated theoretical and practical perspective of technology and information systems as process and functional components of an organization. Emphasis is on the roles that people, information, information systems quality, and technology play in the application of the nine Knowledge Areas and five Process Groups that comprise the Common Body of Knowledge for Information Systems Project Management. Particular emphasis is placed in the five Process Groups?initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing--- for information systems projects that are needed to provide the various types information systems which provide a competitive advantage in both inter-organizational and international environments and yet serve the needs of both the users and management. As an underlying tenet for the nine Functional Areas, the course emphasizes refining individual communications skills necessary to the field of information systems project planning and management. The student completes Chapter Questions and case studies, practices team problem solving techniques, participates in structured group discussions, conducts research, writes reports, and gives oral presentations.
3 Credits

INFS4850 - Cis Capstone

Summer 2024

Course Description: This course is a capstone course requiring students to complete a semester-long project that synthesizes the knowledge and skills gained throughout the Computer Information Systems program. Students work in teams to develop a solution for a project or problem in information systems. Projects may include the analysis, design, implementation, and/or testing of an information system based on either a case study or real-life scenario, at the discretion of the instructor. Students develop a proposal for the project that includes a plan for implementation broken into phases that will be completed at milestones throughout the semester. As part of the plan, students on each team assume specific roles and have assignments that are associated with that role. Once the plan is approved by the instructor, teams will treat it as a contract and must deliver the proposed project by the end of the semester, meeting each milestone. Throughout the process, students utilize professional communication skills as they present their work in a variety of oral and written formats. Students reflect on team dynamics and modern communication methods that mimic those used in global enterprises today. 3 credits
3 Credits

INFS4860 - Program Outcomes Assessment

Summer 2024

This pass/fail course requires the completion of quality assessment activities directly related to the students program of study. Graduating seniros are required to complete two or more appropriate assessment mechanisms such as but not limited to the Senior Exit Exam and the Senior Exit Interview Survey. Dat form these instruments is used in the on-going quality assurance procedures implemented by the CIS department to shlp insure that the designed outcomes of the programs are being met by the students. This occurs is to be scheduled the last semester prior to graduation.
0 Credits

INFS4870 - Cybersecurity Capstone

Summer 2024

This is an advanced level course for students in Cybersecurity concentration to demonstrate their proficiency in the area of the study with comprehensive knowledge, skills and abilities for relevant industry practice or professional certification. The capstone course offers the following multiple project areas for students to choose one or more with the instructor's approval: (1) Complete a culminating research project using knowledge and skills from previous courses; (2) Complete a comprehensive project based on a relevant internship or work experience; (3) Pursue a reputable professional security certification (e.g. CISSP Associate, CISM, CEH, or GIAC certifications); (4) Participate in a well-recognized regional or national cybersecurity competition.
Prerequisites: INFS3550 and INFS3850 and taken in the final semester
3 Credits

INFS4901 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

1 Credits

INFS4902 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

2 Credits

INFS4903 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4904 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

4 Credits

INFS4905 - Internship/Do-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

5 Credits

INFS4906 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

6 Credits

INFS4907 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

7 Credits

INFS4908 - Co-Op/Internship

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

8 Credits

INFS4909 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

9 Credits

INFS4910 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

10 Credits

INFS4912 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

12 Credits

INFS4913 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4916 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

6 Credits

INFS4923 - Internship/Co-Op

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4943 - Independent Study: Twc I

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4951 - Independent Study

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

1 Credits

INFS4952 - Independent Study

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

2 Credits

INFS4953 - Independent Study

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4954 - Independent Study: Twc II

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4955 - Independent Study: Twc III

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS4956 - Independent Study: Twc Iv

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits