Course Descriptions for the Computer & Information Systems Department

Computer Information Systems  
List of all courses and their descriptions
List of all courses, their descriptions and offerings in the schedule book

CYBS6114 - Mobile Computing In Enterprise

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

CYMS6100 - Foundations Of Cybersecurity

Summer 2024

This course covers the fundamental building blocks of the interdisciplinary field of cybersecurity by considering both technical and management aspects. Students analyze cyber threats and vulnerabilities and examine common cyber defense technologies and best practices. The cybersecurity tools, methods, and components to protect networks, operating systems and applications are explored. The human, legal, privacy, and ethical aspects of cybersecurity are also examined. The goal is to prepare students for advanced study in cybersecurity. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS6110 - Fundamentals Of Cyber Forensi

Summer 2024

Fundamentals of Cyber Forensics exposes the student to Cyber, Computer, and Digital Forensic Investigations. This course presents methods to properly conduct, document, and present a digital forensics investigation, including a discussion of ethics for the Expert Witness/Investigator. The course provides an overview of various types of digital investigations and data recovery, with an emphasis on data presentation techniques and chain-of-evidence procedures. The course also outlines proper documentation and reporting procedures for digital investigations. Current digital forensics tools and techniques are presented, along with the proper procedures for acquiring, analyzing, documenting, and reporting digital evidence and artifacts. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS6114 - Mobile Computing In Enterprise

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

CYMS6200 - Operating Systems Security

Summer 2024

This course is intended to meet the needs of students who want to safeguard computer operating systems by demonstrating server support skills and designing and implementing a security system. Students will use specified steps or measures to protect the OS from threats, viruses, worms, malware or remote hacker intrusions. The use of best practices will be explored to configure operating systems to industry security standards and to safeguard any computer assets capable of being stolen, edited or deleted if OS security is compromised. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS6210 - Defending and Securing Network

Summer 2024

This course covers important knowledge and skills needed for analyzing network traffic and security threats and for defending and securing computer networks. The course topics include review of network security fundamentals, network traffic and signature analysis, securing network devices, wireless network security, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS), honeypots, firewalls, and network security policy and management. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS6300 - Applied Cryptography

Summer 2024

Today, cryptography is everywhere! This course presents the basic paradigms and principles of modern (post-1980s) cryptography. It provides a rigorous treatment of modern cryptography in an accessible manner. The course examines the inner workings of cryptographic primitives with formal definitions of security and precise assumptions in order to achieve guaranteed security. It covers both private-key (symmetric) and public-key (asymmetric) cryptography in depth with supportive algorithms and protocols for encryption, message digest,digital signature, key distribution, and so on. Students assess the security of cryptographic constructions and apply them to real-world applications with confidence. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS6400 - Software and Application Secur

Summer 2024

This course takes a holistic approach to software and application security. Students learn how and why to incorporate security features into the design process for an application, and introduced to common security threats for different application environments including software, web applications, and mobile applications. Students analyze applications for security vulnerabilities through code review and various methods for static and dynamic testing, and to apply prevention techniques and countermeasures for known vulnerabilities. As the threat landscape for applications is constantly evolving, students learn to identify and address emerging application security issues. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS6500 - Cybersecurity Risk Analy & Mgm

Summer 2024

This course explores the techniques used to assess and manage cybersecurity risks to an enterprise. Students learn how to apply and evaluate cybersecurity risk assessment/management models and frameworks. The course exposes students to the importance of cyber incident response and planning as an integral part of risk analysis and management cycle. 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS6510 - Cybersecurity Strategy and Gov

Summer 2024

This course examines Cybersecurity strategy and governance. Students learn the widely used frameworks to explore an integrated theoretical and practical perspective of information systems governance, control and assurance. The course emphasis is on the key control mechanisms that support the achievement of control objectives as well as the prevention, detection, and mitigation through responsible uses of resources, appropriate management of risk, and the alignment of information technology with the organization. The course emphasizes the role of data governance in aligning security risks with acceptable risk appetite of an organization. 3 Credit
3 Credits

CYMS6600 - Special Topics In Cybersecurit

Summer 2024

he primary goal of CYMS6600 Special Topics in Cybersecurity is to cover specialized and emerging topics in cybersecurity. The content for the course reflects the evolving changes in cybersecurity and topics are updated to address emerging trends and technologies in the field. The course focuses on state-of-the-art topics such as cloud computing security, securing Artificial Intelligence, blockchain technology for IT security, among others. This course provides a gateway to both introducing and reexamining emerging trends, technologies, and research in the cybersecurity domain.
Prerequisite: Complete 18-21 Credits 3 Credits
3 Credits

CYMS7000 - Cybersecurity Capstone

Summer 2024

The Cybersecurity Capstone course is a hands-on review of the cybersecurity program. Emphasis is placed on the application of cybersecurity knowledge and skills gained throughout the program through project-based learning. Students examine a system or application to uncover threats and vulnerabilities. Students are expected to use their problem-solving skills to address issues within the system by developing solutions based on cybersecurity best practices and technologies. Pre-req: Must be taken in final semester 3 Credits.
3 Credits

CYMS7700 - Cybersecurity Capstone

Summer 2024

The Cybersecurity Capstone course is a hands-on review of the cybersecurity program. Emphasis is placed on the application of cybersecurity knowledge and skills gained throughout the program through project-based learning. Students examine a system or application to uncover threats and vulnerabilities. Students are expected to use their problem-solving skills to address issues within the system by developing solutions based on cybersecurity best practices and technologies. Pre-req: Must be taken in final semester 3 Credits.
3 Credits

INFS5110 - Data Visualization

Summer 2024

Data professionals use data to create powerful visuals in the form of dashboards and reports that tell a story. The ability to use software to visualize large datasets is a key skill in the field. This hands-on course will equip students with the skills to explore and visualize data using Tableau and visualization libraries in R and Python. Students will learn about advanced data preparation techniques that are essential to creating visual artifacts used for analysis and the decision-making process. Students will also learn to critically evaluate the effectiveness of designs and leverage visualization methods in various data related scenarios.
3 Credits

INFS6010 - Decision Support Sys Anly/Dsgn

Summer 2024

This course presents the concept of decision making within the framework of a contextualized (organizational or corporate) management information system that utilizes databases and/or spreadsheets as tools in the decision-making process. The course distinguishes between two logical components of a management information system: the structured decision system which lends itself to providing actual computer-generated decisions, and decision support systems, in which computer-based systems aid decision makers in confronting problems through direct interaction with data and analytic models. Some of the topics covered include the definition and components of decision support systems, decision-making and problem-solving situations, decision and problem types, the relationship of managing and decision making, problem-solving models and decision-making procedures, information requirements analysis and modeling, group decision-making processes and models, organizational issues of decision making, political and ethical issues of decision making, information modeling, information design issues, cultural dimensions of decision making, decision-making styles, cognitive and emotional styles influencing decision making, and decision-making techniques and model construction such as goal seeking, "What If" scenarios, sensitivity analysis, time series models, and graphic displays. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6040 - Management Information System

Summer 2024

This course focuses on the issues, problems, and conceptions involved in maintaining and changing information systems in organizations. Emphasis is on the issues and concerns surrounding the integration of functional information systems including such topics as the collection, dissemination, use, retention, and disposal of data pertinent to the management of an organization; and on alignment of organizational information systems to organizational goals and strategies. The course provides opportunities to resolve problems of information systems and information resource management.
Prerequisite -- INFS6010 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6070 - Introduction To Ai

Summer 2024

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with building machines capable of performing complex tasks without human intervention. This course will introduce the basic concepts and techniques that support the design of intelligent computer systems. Topics include: intelligent agents, searching, problem solving, logic, knowledge and reasoning, uncertainty, machine learning,natural language processing, robotics, and computer vision. Students will become familiar with the theory and mathematical concepts that are fundamental in developing and evaluating AI algorithms.
3 Credits

INFS6114 - Mobile Computing In Enterprise

Summer 2024

This course covers topics of concern for mobile computing with the enterprise environment. Students will explore the mobile landscape and learn how business is shifting in response to new mobile computing opportunities. Mobile application development challenges will be explored, along with management concerns for both mobile apps and mobile devices. Security challenges will be discussed along with methods for risk mitigation. Students will examine mobile computing strategies and learn from case studies that explore the combination of social media, cloud computing, data analytics, and mobile computing. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6115 - Mobile App Developmnt With Ios

Summer 2024

This course teaches how to develop native applications for Apple iOS mobile devices. Differences between mobile web sites, native apps, web-based apps and hybrid apps will be investigated and best practices for mobile interface design will be covered, focusing on user-centered design. The course will cover the tool set for native app development for iOS apps, including programming language (Swift and SwiftUI), the Cocoa Touch framework, design patterns, and use of the Xcode integrated development environment and iOS Simulator. Students will learn how to develop iOS apps using a variety of interface controls and frameworks. Topics related to publishing apps and understanding enterprise-level concerns for app management and security will also be explored.
3 Credits

INFS6116 - Mobile App Devel With Android

Summer 2024

This course teaches how to develop native applications for mobile devices using the Android platform. The course will utilize the Java programming language and will cover the use of the Eclipse integrated development environment with Android Developer Tools and the Android Emulator. Students will learn to develop a user interface with a variety of user input and display controls using XML and GridView. Topics such as Views, Activities, Intents, Broadcast Receivers, and Content Providers will be covered. Students will also learn how to integrate media such as images and audio, how to create a drill-down navigation interface, and how to create an app that inputs, modifies, and stores data persistently. The app life cycle and publishing process will be covered. Topics related to enterprise-level concerns for app management and security will also be explored. Students are expected to have prior experience programming in Java. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6120 - Visual Basic Programming

Summer 2024

Visual Basic Programming provides the student with experience in using Visual Basic as a problem-solving tool. The primary feature of the course is the development of well-structured, user-friendly application using the Visual Basic programming language. Concise problem analysis, logic development, and programming techniques are emphasized. Programming competency in Visual Basic is developed and applied to a wide range of potential business and user interfaces. Topics range from introductory programming concepts to graphic user interfaces through various file creation/manipulation/update applications. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6121 - Advanced Visual Basic Prog

Summer 2024

This course assumes prior programming experience in Microsoft Visual Basic and deals with designing and implementing Visual Basic applications in the context of actual information systems in organizations. Topics covered include the design and development of client-server applications, and writing programs that interface with external data structures, such as sequential and random data files, large scale databases, Internet applications, and standard recurring business reports.
Prerequisite: INFS6120 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6130 - Cobol Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with the practice following program specifications to design, develop, debug, and test COBOL programs using an IBM mainframe computer with the zEnterprise operating system. Emphasis is placed on structured programming techniques, logic structures, and modular design; along with the use of design tools such file layouts, print charts, structure charts, and pseudocode. Students are introduced to TSO logon procedures, JCL, the ISPF, and SDSF. Fundamental COBOL coding rules and syntax, sequential batch report file processing. arithmetic verbs, conditional control structures, utility sorting, control-break logic, and processing and searching single-level tables are presented. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6140 - Python Language & Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with an introduction to the Python programming language; which includes: working with large datasets, lists, looping and file operations. Outcomes of this course will be Python programs including Data Visualization. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6151 - Java Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the opportunity for students to learn an object-oriented language and to learn object-oriented programming. The course is aimed at learning how to program in Java and developing Java applications and applets. Topics included are Object-oriented Programming, Classes, Objects, Instances, Methods, Applets and Applications, Control Structures in Java, Java Arrays (as Objects), Strings and Characters, Graphics, Multimedia, Exception Handling, Multireading, Files and Streams, Networking. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6152 - Adv Java: Applicatiom Program

Summer 2024

Prerequisite: INFS6151 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6153 - Mobile Prog: Css & Javascript

Summer 2024

This course includes a comprehensive exploration of responsive design for web and mobile applications. This will include the use of CSS for developing screen-size flexible layouts using media queries as well as the use of JavaScript for event handling and JavaScript libraries for consistent user interface elements and interactions. CSS basics will be covered, including types of stylesheets, types of selectors, and understanding the use of CSS for text, image, and object formatting. An in-depth look at CSS layout techniques and the use of media queries for developing user interfaces that adapt to a variety of screen sizes will be featured. The course will also explore the JavaScript language, including basic structure and syntax, logic and control flow, and event handling. JavaScript libraries such as JQuery, JQuery UI, and JQuery Mobile will be introduced and explored. Students will gain experience coding responsive (mobile-enabled) web sites using CSS layout techniques, JavaScript, and JavaScript libraries. Students should have prior experience with HTML coding and experience with at least one programming language. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6160 - Visual C# Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop well-structured, user-friendly applications using the Visual C programming language. The course begins by covering topics such as designing user interfaces, understanding variables and arithmetic operations, making decisions, and using loop structures and files. Building on this knowledge, coverage progresses to more advanced topics, such as modularizing code with methods, arrays and lists and creating classes and objects. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6200 - Operating System Security

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS6210 - Hardware and Operating System

Summer 2024

This course develops an understanding of the internal logical structure of computers with the basic structure and functioning of conventional computer systems. Discussion of conceptual techniques of assembler and machine-level programming as well as an introduction to appropriate data structures is included. The course highlights microcomputer operating systems (DOS, WINDOWS and UNIX) and the control programs they comprise as well as techniques for communicating with the operating system. The course includes such topics as multiprogramming, multiprocessing and time-shared operating systems, the virtual memory concept, and system software. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6211 - Microcomputing Technology (A+)

Summer 2024

This course focuses on servicing and supporting personal computers. Upon course completion, students will be able to provide technical support and maintain and service personal computers. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6212 - Enterprise Operating Systems

Summer 2024

This course provides an integrated view of using IBM zEnterprise systems to prepare students to take the IBM System Z Mastery test. An overview for zEnterprise hardware concepts, z/OS operating system concepts, and interactive facilities, such as TSO/E, ISPF and UNIX will be presented. The roles of virtual and physical storage, LPARs, Parallel Sysplex, z/VM, and cluster technologies to provide scalability and continuous availability within zEnterprise systems are discussed. Students will be provided hands-on experiences using z/FS data sets, ISPF, SDSF, JCL, and JES3. A batch COBOL application will be edited, compiled, linked, and executed and debugged. CICS applications, WebSphere (J2EE) applications, and WebSphere MQ services will be compared as alternatives to zEnterprise interfaces, middleware and OLTP transactional services. An overview of system programming and SMP/E, zEnterprise database management systems, clients and utilities, e.g., DB2, IMS, SPUFI, QMF, z/OS HTTP web server, VTAM, TCP/IP, and RACF (IBM Security Server) will be introduced. Access to a zEnterprise system, hands-on exercises, and online support materials are important components of this course. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6215 - Impact Of Emerging Technologie

Summer 2024

This course introduces issues and concepts about technological development and its impact upon individuals, organizations, society, and culture. Information technology's impact upon organizational and societal structures is studied in depth. A theoretical framework is developed for understanding the relationship between technology and its environment, including ethical and legal dimensions.
Prerequisite: 12 credits 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6220 - Systems Analysis and Design

Summer 2024

This course introduces project management controls throughout the system development life cycle and stresses the importance of an accurate communications process among user, analyst, and designer. The course introduces the stages of information system development: analysis, design, development, and implementation, reviews system modeling, data and information modeling techniques, as well as the software used as system modeling and design tools. Emphasis is on system documentation techniques as well as on providing opportunities to study and use structured analysis and design techniques and issues of information systems development and implementation.
Prerequisite: INFS6010 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6225 - Obj Orient Syst Analysis/Desig

Summer 2024

This course introduces the concepts of "objects" and "classes" in systems analysis. Organization information needs are analyzed and presented in terms of objects and their nature. Concepts and methods to facilitate the analysis and design of object-based systems are introduced. Object methods are contrasted with classical procedural methods of systems analysis and design. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6226 - Information Design

Summer 2024

Enables students to design information effectively and to present information articulately. Students will be introduced to a variety of theories, methods, research issues, and practices related to the design of text and information systems. As part of this course, students are required to understand, apply, and present design theories, practices, and strategies in both communication and information systems. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6230 - Networks & Data Comput/Comm

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with terminology and concepts related to data communications. Modes of data transmission and transmission media are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the integration of electronic principles with systems analysis and design for computer networks. The role of telecommunications in systems design for networking and distributed processing is presented, along with the architecture of data communication systems ranging from local area networks to international wide area networks. Also discussed are common data communication error detection and correction techniques, available communications software, common carrier services, and prevailing relative costs for those services. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6231 - Network Technology & Mgt (N+)

Summer 2024

This practical "hands-on" course is aimed at those students that have passed A+ Certification or have equivalent knowledge. On course completion, students should be able to: install and configure a network card; define the concepts of network layers; understand principles of extending networks and interconnectivity; understand and implement the TCP/IP protocol; use test equipment to troubleshoot network connectivity. Part of the content is similar to Microsoft's "Networking Essentials" exam. The course has been developed to produce competent network support technicians that are capable of taking and passing the new Network+ certification exam.
Prerequisite: INFS6210, INFS6211 or INFS6212 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6240 - Database Management System

Summer 2024

This course presents the concept of a database environment and the spectrum of capabilities considered to be part of the database management system. The course provides an overview of topics and related issues in planning, designing, implementing and managing a database. While all four models of database are examined, the course emphasizes and provides experience with the relational model and with an SQL-compliant database management system. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6241 - Big Data Technologies

Summer 2024

Big Data Technologies offers an introduction to technologies, algorithms, and tools necessary to perform Big Data Analytics. This course covers the core concepts behind Big Data problems, applications, and systems. The course also introduces common Big Data frameworks, including, among others: Hadoop, Spark, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). By the end of the course, students should be able to: discuss and apply Big Data Analytics concepts, setup Big Data analytics platforms using AWS cloud-based services, use MapReduce to process and analyze Big Data, and use Spark to process and analyze both structured and unstructured Big Data in the cloud.
3 Credits

INFS6244 - Database For Data Science

Summer 2024

Data professionals are expected to extract data from various sources as they solve data related problems. This course equips students with hands-on knowledge and application of data preparation and extraction techniques used in working with data in relational and NoSQL database systems. Students will learn and apply knowledge of the SQL language and implement components of relational and NoSQL database systems. Topics in this course include extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) operations, working with unstructured data and document-oriented information retrieval systems. Course
Prerequisites: Permission of Program
3 Credits

INFS6255 - Ai Ethics and Governance

Summer 2024

This course introduces students to a range of ethical issues pertaining to both current and future artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. AI has experienced rapid growth and is expected to have a significant impact on society as it continues to become embedded in the technology we use in our daily lives in various ways. This course discusses ethical, philosophical, and social issues that arise with the development of AI. Governance issues will also be discussed, with coverage of current AI regulations at both government and organizational levels. Topics will include existential threats of AI, development of humane technology, governance of autonomous machines, robot rights, biases/discrimination in learning algorithms, misuse of AI technology, social interaction with AI, limits and computational errors, ethical considerations for both executives and developers, and many others.
3 Credits

INFS6320 - Advanced Cobol Programming

Summer 2024

Students will be introduced to Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). The structure and application of Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) datasets, i.e., ESDS, KSDS, and RRDS, are compared. Using the IDCAMS utility students will create and a manage VSAM clusters to support basic file maintenance applications. Other COBOL topics include advanced table processing; batch ESDS, KSDS, and RRDS processing and updating, and the use of sub-programs. Additional concepts covered are structured program design considerations, the interrelationship of programs within an information system, coding for program efficiency and clarity, and the creation and use of quality program documentation
Prerequisite: INFS6130 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6321 - Enterp Transact Process Syst

Summer 2024

This course focuses on the CICS Enterprise Transaction Processing System and CICS COBOL applications. CICS architecture, online resource definition (CEDA), CSD data sets, and legacy CICS resource tables are presented. Students will design, prepare (DFHMAPS) and code a BMS mapset to generate physical and symbolic maps. Using a pseudo-conversational and modular style, students will develop, prepare (DFHYITVL), and test CICS COBOL VSAM and DB2 applications using the CICS EXEC and EXEC SQL APIs. Popular CICS-supplied transactions, e.g., CESN, CESF, CEMT, CECI, and CEDA will be reviewed. Using CICS as an HTTP Server to interface with a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and WebSphere MQ will be introduced.
Prerequisites: INFS6130, INFS6320 and INFS6242 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6360 - Ai In Cybersecurity

Summer 2024

This course focuses on the evolving impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on the cybersecurity landscape. Students will learn to identify and evaluate AI-powered cyber threats and attacks and their implications. The course also covers the positive impact of AI on cybersecurity, including the use of AI-powered systems for enhancing cyber threat detection, incident response, security automation, vulnerability analytics, and security risk assessment. Students will learn and evaluate the AI approaches, models, techniques and tools that can be used to secure and protect applications, networks, and data against sophisticated cyber-attacks.
3 Credits

INFS6420 - Administering MS System 7

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with theoretical and practical knowledge required to configure, install, administer and troubleshoot a computer running the Microsoft System 7 operating system. The course addresses the use of this technology in stand-alone, workgroup network and domain network environments. The course content is patterned after the material required to pass the Microsoft certification exam on administering System 7 with additional coverage of theoretical and practical materials in order to provide the student with a well-rounded understanding of this technology. Areas of emphasis include hardware and other resource requirements, installation of the software, defining and installing the security environment, establishing and maintaining network connectivity, performance management and the identification and solution of problems. The course includes a significant laboratory component to provide the student with practical experiences working with the technology.
Prerequisites: INFS6211 or INFS6210 and INFS6231 or INFS6230 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6440 - Adv Health Care Informatics

Summer 2024

Advanced Health Care Informatics presents models and approaches for design, implementation, management, maintenance, and evaluation of clinical information systems in view of core clinical process requirements. Through practical assignments students examine project management, including human and financial resource allocation, clinical systems integration, change management, organizational and group processes, and the impacts of clinical decision support systems. Assignments include strategies for assuring patient safety, for supporting the detection and prevention of adverse events, and for protecting confidentiality and privacy in research using clinical and genomic data collected through patient care. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6460 - Cloud Computg & Amazon Web Ser

Summer 2024

The purpose of the course is to teach cloud computing concepts and architectures within the context of AWS. In addition, the course will help the students to prepare for the Amazon AWS Solutions Architect certification. The students will become familiar with the Amazon cloud computing architecture and several essential cloud services such as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and Relational Database Service (RDS). They will use a variety of business cases to design cloud architectures and solutions using AWS. They will create instances in the cloud and manage their clouds with the help of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon Cloud Watch, Auto Scaling, and other AWS services.
3 Credits

INFS6482 - Applied Machine Learning

Summer 2024

This course will cover the theory and practical application of machine learning algorithms. Students in this course will study supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. Students will apply machine learning algorithms to datasets to uncover patterns using R and Python. Topics covered include random forest, support vector machines, deep neural networks, interpretable machine learning.
3 Credits

INFS6486 - Data Modeling and Simulation

Summer 2024

Modeling and Simulation covers a range of modeling techniques beyond what is covered in a regression or machine-learning course. This will include Optimization, Statistical Modeling in Robust Linear Regression, and Categorical Data Analysis. The course will also cover Simulation Techniques related to Statistical Estimation and Modeling. Examples include Monte Carlo techniques, Bootstrapping, and the EM algorithm. Students will use the R programming language to write their own code to carry out the above procedures.
Prerequisites: STAT 6050
3 Credits

INFS6490 - Computer Network Security

Summer 2024

Computer Network Security directs the student to develop methodologies for the control and audit of computerized information systems. Techniques of control assessment are presented for both stand-alone and integrated transaction processing systems in various file and database structured environments. Specific control and security procedures for various hardware platforms are analyzed. Topics include: security threats, preventing, detecting and dealing with viruses, security standards, authentication methods, encryption methods, access control, LAN security, firewall: TCP/IP and Internet security, and security policies. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6510 - Introduction To Data Analytics

Summer 2024

Data Analytics provides the student with a broad overview of the analytics landscape, including the tools and techniques that are successfully utilized by 21st century organizations. Students learn about the history and evolution of Data Analytics (DA), Business Analytics (BA), and Business Intelligence (BI) from standardized reporting to a flexible, integrated Information Ecosystem that provides modern decision makers with essential, accurate, and timely information. The emphasis of this course centers on the proper deployment and use of analytics techniques and technologies to best meet the information requirements of modern decision makers. An overview of current analytics tools and concepts is also provided, including Data Warehousing, Data Mining, GIS, OLAP, Big Data, Business Performance Management (BPM), and others 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6550 - Natural Language Processing

Summer 2024

The purpose of this course is to introduce concepts of Natural Language Process focusing on processing large stores of text. A variety of programming, statistical and graphing techniques will be taught including, parsing/tokenizing,sorting, grouping, analyzing, exploring and visualizing. Python, NLTK, Scikit-learn, R, matplotlib are the main tools that will be utilized to complete hands-on exercises and to complete assigned projects.
Prerequisite:INFS6140 Python Language and Programming
3 Credits

INFS6580 - Emerging Topics In Ai

Summer 2024

This seminar course introduces students to emerging trends in AI and their applications. Trending topics include, but are not limited to: generative AI, AI robotics, AI-human interface, and quantum AI. Students will conduct research on up-to-date AI algorithms, architecture, and performance as well as investigate their short-term and long-term technological, managerial, economic, and legal impacts on business and society. Students will identify AI-related challenges and propose feasible solutions.
Prerequisite: INFS 6482 (Applied ML), INFS 6550 (NLP)
3 Credits

INFS6630 - Geographic Info Sys: Tutrl/App

Summer 2024

The primary goal of the course is to introduce to the students to Geographic Information Systems and to prepare them to become familiar with the core capabilities and the wide range of applications. With hands-on experience working through the tutorials, the students are expected to develop a critical understanding of GIS as well as the use of information with spatial analysis, leading to GIS projects and applications. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6710 - Knowledge Management

Summer 2024

This course provides opportunities to study the defining and fundamental concepts of knowledge management. Knowledge management is the logical and historical extension of expert systems in business and knowledgebase systems. The course covers methods of knowledge creation and acquisition, and techniques of knowledge representation, as well as the use of knowledge in organizations. There is a discussion of the ethics of knowledge management. The defining and fundamental concepts covered are data, information, and knowledge, tacit and explicit knowledge, personal and organizational knowledge maps, knowledge access and processing, sharing and application. The course introduces students to knowledge systems and associated software, and the requirements for Knowledge Management Systems operation and control. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6720 - Data Mining

Summer 2024

Data Mining provides students with an overview of data mining, with an emphasis on using data mining as an effective problem-solving strategy. The course explores the statistical techniques behind a wide range of data mining tools. Students also gain hands-on experience using various software packages such as Microsoft Excel or XLMiner, or open-source programming languages, such as Python or R, to solve case problems. The course covers several key data mining topics, including the use of data mining, data mining algorithms, associative and sequential patterns, data clustering, data cleaning, and data visualization.
3 Credits

INFS6730 - Data Integration For Analytics

Summer 2024

Data Integration for Analytics (formerly "Data Warehousing") explores all the ways that modern data are integrated, transformed, modeled, and stored to support Data Analytics and Data Science. Specific course topics include: Traditional Data Warehouses, Data Lakes, and In-Memory Databases. Emphasis is placed on developing systems, skills, and strategies to create a comprehensive analytics environment that supports: Data Analytics, Data Mining/Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive/Preemptive Analytics, Geographic/Location Analytics, Real-Time Analytics, Social Media Analytics, Sentiment Analytics, and Big Data Analytics. This course is delivered using readings, discussions, video demonstrations, and hands-on software projects.
Prerequisite: INFS6240 or INFS6242 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6760 - Info Tech Security & Assurance

Summer 2024

This course is intended to meet the needs of students and professionals who want to specialize in information security and assurance fundamentals. A basic knowledge of computers and networks is required. The course is designed to provide a learning experience to help prepare the student for the challenges of computer security and assurance through hands on exercises, fundamental principles and research oriented papers. The course is designed to help prepare the student for the challenges of network and computer security and to develop methodologies for the control and audit of computerized information systems. Emphasis is on the seven cognitive domain areas as specified in the ISACA Model Curriculum which includes: (1) The Information Systems Assessment, (2) Information Systems Management, Planning, and Organization, (3) Information Systems Technical Infrastructure and Operations, (4) Protection of Information System Assets, (5) Information Systems Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, (6) Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Maintenance, and (7) Information Systems Risk Management.
Prerequisite: INFS6490 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6810 - Computer Forensics

Summer 2024

This course exposes the student to Computer Forensics and Investigation. This course presents methods to properly conduct a computer forensics investigation beginning with a discussion of ethics, while mapping to the objectives of the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) certification. The course provides an overview of digital investigations and data recovery with emphasis on data presentation techniques and chain-of-evidence procedures. Current computer forensics tools are presented along with controls required for digital evidence acquisition.
Prerequisite: INFS6490 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6830 - Secure Programming

Summer 2024

This course is designed to enable a student to take a proactive approach to computer security. Students learn to build programs which help get security right the first time. Emphasis is on software and software developers' practices which cause security problems, and instructions to make their code behave. This course provides expert perspectives and techniques to help ensure the security of essential software and, by considering threats and vulnerabilities early in the development cycle, the incorporation of security into a computer system. Emphases include determining an acceptable level of risk, developing security tests, and plugging security holes before software is even shipped. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6840 - Info Technology Governance

Summer 2024

I/T Governance utilizes the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) taxonomy to provide the student with an integrated theoretical and practical perspective of technology and information systems governance, control and assurance. Emphasis is on the key control mechanisms that support the achievement of control objectives as well as the prevention, detection, and correction of undesired events through responsible uses of resources, appropriate management of risk, and the alignment of information technology with the organization. The course will emphasize refining individual communications skills necessary to the field of information systems governance, control and assurance.
Prerequisite: INFS6490 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6850 - Adv Topics In Cybersecurity

Summer 2024

This course is designed for students to learn advanced knowledge, skills and abilities to plan and conduct authorized ethical hacking and penetration testing for the purpose of identifying, mitigating and evaluating security vulnerabilities. Students will learn to apply and assess the methods, techniques, and tools for reconnaissance, vulnerability scanning and analysis, and exploitations of application and network vulnerabilities. Students will also evaluate and research on the key issues of penetration testing, cyber defense solutions and compare innovative methods for network protection and cyber defense. Graduate students are expected to demonstrate in-depth research in course work.
Prerequisites: INFS6490 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS6953 - Independent Study

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS7000 - Program Outcome Assessment

Summer 2024

This pass/fail course requires the completion of quality assessment activities directly related to the students program of study. Graduating students are required to submit to the CIS Department Head an official transcript of their undergraduate studies that provides proof of the undergraduate degree being conferred. Also students are required to successfully complete appropriate assessment mechanisms such as the Graduate Student Exit Interview Survey. Data from these instruments is used in the on-going quality assurance procedures implemented by the CIS department to help insure that the designed outcomes of the programs are being met by the students.
0 Credits

INFS7100 - Data Science Capstone

Summer 2024

This course concludes the Master of Science in Data Science degree program with a Data Science-related project (applied or research) of the instructor's and/or the student?s choice. This course focuses on advanced applications of Data Science techniques to solve complex real-world problems. The students can choose from learned techniques in Data Science, as well as venture into the latest, cutting-edge developments in Data Science. All projects must be pre-approved by the instructor.
Prerequisites: Completion of 15 credits. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7140 - Adv Python For Data Analysis

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with Advanced tools in Python focusing on data manipulation and Analysis as well as advanced data visualization. Topics will also include the use of PANDAS for Data Science analysis and website APIs for data gathering and manipulation. Students will evaluate Python code as well as develop their own code. Students will analyze complex datasets to answer questions appropriate to Data Science. Prior knowledge of Python is required; topics include: Lists, Dictionaries, Looping, File operations, JSON, string manipulation, and graphing. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7150 - Intro To Web Development

Summer 2024

This course investigates the Internet and provides an overview of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Internet topics include the origin and history of the Internet, the various protocols used, browsers and tools, server-client relationships, and security and social issues. HTML topics will include the basic and advanced syntax used to create web-based documents. Also included here are the current theories in regard to web-based document design and management and tools to enhance web-page development, management, and human-computer interaction. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7151 - Web Applic Devel With Asp.Net

Summer 2024

This course introduces Web application development using Visual Studio and theASP.NET framework. The course will familiarize the student with ways to create dynamic web applications using server-side programming technologies. The C programming language will be utilized. The course makes use of Windows, SQL Server, and Internet Information Server (IIS). Methods of data display, navigation, authentication/authorization, validation, and secure login will also be explored.
Prerequisites: INFS7150 or COIS7150 and INFS 6160 or INFS6120 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7160 - R & R Programming

Summer 2024

This course provides the student with an introduction to the R programming language and its capability to model data and perform statistical analysis. The outcome of the course will be a research project written in R. Topics covered will include: datasets and dataset construction, graphs, data management, basic statistical analysis, ANOVA and regression. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7400 - Applied Research In Ai

Summer 2024

This course is meant ensure students learn how to practically apply theories and principles learned from their artificial intelligence, algorithm, and programming courses. In the course, the students will be given a series of hands-on challenges to complete using various AI concepts. The projects will be driven by preset requirements which are ultimately working towards solving a greater problem using machine learning; however, working with faculty, the students will have leeway to modify requirements in order to improve the overall learning experience. This course will require some knowledge in programming as most projects will consist of developing software to drive various virtual and physical appliances.
3 Credits

INFS7479 - Proj Mgmt In Comm/Info Sys

Summer 2024

This course focuses on project management through critical examinations of project planning, design, production, documentation, and presentation techniques. The course distinguishes among the three primary purposes of project management: (1) planning and scheduling project tasks, (2) critical diagnosis and prediction of success or failure in meeting schedules, and (3) estimation of requirements for the project. Topics include: problem identification and definition, project design and analysis, feasibility measures, project charting methods (PERT, GANTT, CPM), process documentation techniques, information modeling, project design specifications and error diagnosis, and task monitoring. Various software packages are used as tools to assist in all phases of project management, development, and presentation. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7520 - Ldrshp Skls Info Tech Proj Mgt

Summer 2024

This course builds upon the concepts contained in the five Process Areas by focusing upon the nine Knowledge Areas in general and human resource management in particular. This course introduces leadership strategies for improving job satisfaction, teamwork, and creativity within a project team. Specific information technology project management leadership topics include strategic project planning, authority, change control, requirements development, work estimating, work breakdown structures, scheduling, plan optimization, and performance tracking. Students learn how to tailor their leadership style and acquire the skills most suited to their information technology culture. The course also equips the student with techniques for motivating information technology professionals for optimum performance within their organization. Skills needed to deal effectively with customers and technology vendors, to delegate technology assignments, and to make presentations for information technology projects are also presented.
Prerequisite: COIS7479 or ENGR5030 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7530 - Mng Sftwre Dev Inf Tech Proj

Summer 2024

This course examines knowledge, strategies and techniques needed to manage the development of software products. This course helps students to develop the skills managers require in order to create and execute plans for software development. Topics include software development life cycles, software development standards, control strategies for software development, software testing strategies, and software metrics.
Prerequisite: COIS7479 or ENGR5030 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7550 - Qual Iss Inf Tech Project Mgt

Summer 2024

This course examines knowledge, strategies and techniques needed to manage the development of software products. This course helps students to develop the skills managers require in order to create and execute plans for software development. Topics include software development life cycles, software development standards, control strategies for software development, software testing strategies, and software metrics.
Prerequisite: COIS7479 or ENGR5030 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7560 - Strat Plng Info Tech Proj Mgt

Summer 2024

This course introduces the strategies for developing a project management culture within an organization. Emphasis is upon stategic planning for project management using a Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM). The course begins by examining the principles of strategic planning and how they relate to project management. Then the PMMM is introduced, detailing the five different levels of development for achieving maturity, along with benchmarking instruments for measuring an organization's progress along the maturity curve. case studies are utilized as a resource.
Prerequisite: 15 graduate credits 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7570 - Applied Research/Internship

Summer 2024

Applied Research is a capstone course for students enrolled in the MS Information Technology Project Management degree program. This course requires the completion of one or more projects that apply theories and principles to the workplace, leading to a written and oral presentation. The purpose of the Applied Research course is to demonstrate the student's ability to apply project management theoretical concepts to actual projects in the workplace. The student must spend a sufficient amount of time with an organization to which his/her Applied Research project engagement applies. The course project may be any activity predefined by the instructor that a student completes in the workplace. This may be accomplished in various ways: paid internship, unpaid internship, employee job-related assignment, or volunteer assignment. In situations where workplace projects are not available to the student, a simulated Applied Research project is assigned by the instructor.
Prerequisite: 15 credits of ITPM Core and permission of the Department Head 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7571 - Proj Mgmt Research Project-I

Summer 2024

Project Management Research Project-I is a capstone course for students enrolled in the MS Information Technology Project Management degree program. Students are required to correctly perform and document all of the initiating and planning process activities for the project. The purpose of INFS7571 Project Management Research Project-I is for the student to demonstrate his/her ability to apply project management theoretical concepts to the workplace. The student must spend a sufficient amount of time with an organization to which his/her project engagement applies. The course requires work-related experience that relates to information technology project management. The course project may be any activity predefined by the instructor that a student completes in the workplace. It may be an individually designed project of particular interest to the student or of immediate usefulness in his/her workplace. The project's purpose is to demonstrate the student's ability to make project management course-related applications to real work situations.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Head 2 Credits
2 Credits

INFS7572 - Proj Mgmt Research Project-Ii

Summer 2024

Project Management Research Project-II is a capstone course for students enrolled in the MS Information Technology Project Management degree program. Students are required to successfully execute, control, and monitor the information systems project that was utilized in INFS7571. INFS7572 is the second of three sequential two-credit courses that in aggregate allows the student to initiate, plan, execute, control, and close an information system project. The purpose of INFS7572 Project Management Research Project-II is for the student to demonstrate his/her ability to apply project management theoretical concepts to the workplace. The student must spend a sufficient amount of time with an organization to which his/her project engagement applies. The course requires work-related experience that relates to information technology project management.
Prerequisite: INFS7571 2 Credits
2 Credits

INFS7573 - Proj Mgmt Research Project-Iii

Summer 2024

Project Management Research Project-III is a capstone course for students enrolled in the MS Information Technology Project Management degree program. Students are required to successfully complete the information systems project that was utilized in INFS7571 and INFS7572. INFS7573 is the third of three sequential two-credit courses that in aggregate allows the student to initiate, plan, execute, control, and close an information technology project. Students are required to correctly perform and document all of the initiating, planning, executing, controlling/monitoring, and closing project management process activities for the project. The purpose of INFS7573 Project Management Research Project-III is for the student to demonstrate his/her ability to apply project management theoretical concepts to the workplace.
Prerequisite: INFS7572 2 Credits
2 Credits

INFS7870 - Cybersecurity Capstone

Summer 2024

This is a graduate level course for students to demonstrate their professional and research skills and advanced level proficiency in cybersecurity with comprehensive knowledge, skills and abilities for advanced level industry practice or professional certification. The capstone course offers the following multiple project areas for students to choose one or more with the instructor's approval: (1) Complete an in-depth culminating research project using learning from previous courses and additional research; (2) Complete a comprehensive portfolio report based on a relevant internship or work experience; (3) Pursue and reflect on a reputable and advanced level professional security certification (e.g. CISSP/Associate, CISM, CEH, or GIAC certifications); (4) Complete a report of research and reflection on the participation experience in a well-recognized regional or national cybersecurity competition or conference. Students should demonstrate in-depth research and higher learning and skills in cybersecurity. This course is to be taken in the final semester.
Prerequisite: INFS6850 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7901 - Internship

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

1 Credits

INFS7902 - Internship

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

2 Credits

INFS7903 - Internship

Summer 2024

Prerequisite: Permission of Department Head needed. 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7906 - Internship

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

6 Credits

INFS7909 - Internship

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services. Please try again at a later time 9 Credits
9 Credits

INFS7913 - Internship

Summer 2024

Prerequisite: Permission of Department Head 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7923 - Internship

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS7943 - Independent Study: Twc I

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services. Please try again at a later time 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7953 - Independent Study

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits

INFS7954 - Independent Study: Python

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services. Please try again at a later time 3 Credits
3 Credits

INFS7955 - Independent Study: Twc II

Summer 2024

Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.

3 Credits