Course Catalog

SOSC2010 - Theorizing Gender and Power

Spring 2024

This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to critical theoretical perspectives that center on gendered bodies and power. Through the examination of different theoretical perspectives (feminisms, post-structuralism, (post)queer theory, postcolonialism & intersectionality), students will be able to analyze social phenomena in a systematic manner, critique the roles of social structures, ideologies, and identities in the larger social body, and provide historical context for current social issues. An examination of theory provides students with the opportunity to discuss the ways in which power relations inform both the public and private spheres of life vis-a-vis politics, histories, economics, media, and (inter)national discourse inter alia. The examination of theorizing gender and power will occur across three dimensions. 1) course readings will anchor discussions and projects throughout the semester. 2) discussions inside and outside the classroom will serve as a bridge between the concepts investigated in the texts and the lived realities of the students. 3) assignments will provide students an opportunity to delve deeper into various theoretical frameworks and reflect on their own meaning making of the course. 3 Credits
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

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 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

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