Course Catalog

SOCI3400 - Crss-Cultl Persp:Wom.Gend.Hlt

Spring 2024

This course will examine women, gender, and equity with a special emphasis on health ? from a comparative, sociological perspective between the United States and Iceland. Iceland provides a model case study because it has been ranked the most gender equitable country in the world for the last nine years by the World Economic Forum. Iceland is also a global leader in reported happiness among residents. Students will explore the current status of women in relation to major social institutions, such as the economy, family, education, and politics, and focus on physical and mental health disparities from a gendered perspective between the two countries. Through an immersion experience, students will compare and contrast cultural norms, structural conditions, and policy contexts that shape gendered lives and health disparities in Iceland and the U.S. Overall, the course will give students the analytical tools to think critically about gender and power.
3 Credits

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