Course Catalog

ORGL1100 - Intro To Leadshp /Followership

Fall 2023

This course introduces major leadership and followership trends and approaches within the broader discipline of leadership studies. The course covers five overarching themes: interdisciplinary studies of leadership; personal, interpersonal, and organizational leadership and followership; and leadership-followership development. By exploring major theories of leadership and followership as art and science, a special emphasis is given to the traditional concepts and definition of leadership, contemporary approaches of leadership process, leader-follower relationships, shifting roles of followership and leadership in various situation, and how leadership and followership is practiced and developed in personal, interpersonal, social-group, and organizational context. 3 Credits
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
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 M  Monday
 T  Tuesday
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 R  Thursday
 F  Friday
 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

Schedule Book for All Active and Available Future Terms, Course starting with ORGL1100
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Credits: 3
Location: Internet/ Online
Time: -
Instructor: Quigley
Session: 2 (05/07/2024 - 06/28/2024)
Term: Summer 2024
Course is taught Fully Online.

Credits: 3
Location: Moon
Instructor: ** Staff **
Session: 3 (08/26/2024 - 10/18/2024)
Term: Fall 2024

Credits: 3
Location: Internet/ Online
Time: -
Instructor: Topuzova
Session: 2 (08/24/2024 - 10/18/2024)
Term: Fall 2024
Course is taught Fully Online.