Course Catalog

MBAD6005 - Foundations For Acct & Finance

Fall 2023

This course is designed to provide students with fundamental concepts of accounting and finance to MBA students who have never taken a 3000 level (or higher) undergraduate accounting and finance courses or any other student who would like to refresh these concepts before taking more advanced accounting or finance courses at the MBA level. No previous knowledge of accounting or finance is necessary. However, students should have sufficient background in college algebra, macro and microeconomics. 3 Credits
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
Introducing Banner Self-Service
Preparing to register
Login to Banner Self-Service

 M  Monday
 T  Tuesday
 W  Wednesday
 R  Thursday
 F  Friday
 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

Schedule Book for All Active and Available Future Terms, Course starting with MBAD6005
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Credits: 3
Location: Internet/ Online
Time: -
Instructor: Abdulmanova, Zhang
Session: 2 (05/07/2024 - 06/28/2024)
Term: Summer 2024
Course is taught Fully Online.

Credits: 3
Location: Internet/ Online
Time: -
Instructor: Abdulmanova, Zhang
Session: 2 (08/24/2024 - 10/18/2024)
Term: Fall 2024
Course is taught Fully Online.

Credits: 3
Location: Internet/ Online
Time: -
Instructor: Abdulmanova, Zhang
Session: 4 (10/19/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Term: Fall 2024
Course is taught Fully Online.