Course Catalog

FINA3200 - Corporate Finance

Fall 2023

This course expands upon the basic techniques and concepts of financial management that were taught in FN300. Topics include capital budgeting given uncertainty, capital structure, cost of capital, warrants and convertibles, dividend policy, lease financing, and mergers and acquisitions. The course emphasizes problem solving by applying basic financial principles and tools to corporate financial decisions. Cases may be used for practice in applying theory to solve "real world" financial problems. Software proficiency in spreadsheet is required.
Prerequisites: FINA3000, MGMT2100 or STAT2110 or ASCI2010, and INFS1020 3 Credits
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
Introducing Banner Self-Service
Preparing to register
Login to Banner Self-Service

 M  Monday
 T  Tuesday
 W  Wednesday
 R  Thursday
 F  Friday
 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

Schedule Book for All Active and Available Future Terms, Course starting with FINA3200
Page 1 of 1
Credits: 3
Days: M W F
Location: Moon
Room: Business School 106
Time: 11:00-11:50 am
Instructor: Abdulmanova
Session: 1 (08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Term: Fall 2024
Prerequisites: FINA3000, MGMT2100 or STAT2110 or ASCI2010, and INFS1020 3 Credits

Credits: 3
Days: M W F
Location: Moon
Room: Business School 119
Time: 01:00-01:50 pm
Instructor: Hu
Session: 1 (08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Term: Fall 2024
Prerequisites: FINA3000, MGMT2100 or STAT2110 or ASCI2010, and INFS1020 3 Credits