Course Catalog
ENGR6040 - Engineering Management Cases
Fall 2023
This course focuses on the practice of engineering and technology management with a view towards developing more qualified technical managers through case studies. Engineers and scientists spend 2/3 of their professional careers managing technical people within the technology infused organizations. This course is designed to help them become more effective managers of engineers, scientists and the technology that they often create and implement in their organizations. The course will cover an introduction to the strategic role of engineering and technology in modern corporations, then review a case based methodology for class use during the rest of the semester. Product development and team-based management will be explained followed by the technology procurement and transfer. Innovation in manufacturing, research, development and commercialization of technology will be explained and illustrated by case studies. The course will be completed by discussions on cost and technology and the use of engineering management strategy as a part of corporate strategy to achieve competitive advantage in modern economy.
Prerequisite: ENGR5010, ENGR5020 or ENGR5030 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisite: ENGR5010, ENGR5020 or ENGR5030 3 Credits
3 Credits
Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit: Introducing Banner Self-Service Preparing to register Login to Banner Self-Service |
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