Course Catalog

EDUC6120 - Instructional Leadership/Mgmt

Fall 2023

This course emphasizes the theory, resources, and techniques to develop leadership, communication, and management skills that teachers need to work with and lead various educational constituencies in a variety of forums such as one-to-one meetings, small groups, committees, conferences, and public meetings. Students focus on the nature of leadership, communication, and management; their definitions; and their various styles. In addition, students adapt leadership, communication, and management strategies and techniques to achieve desired outcomes in diverse situations. Students relate course topics to school and teaching experiences through individual and group activities. 3 Credits
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
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 U  Sunday

Schedule Book for All Active and Available Future Terms, Course starting with EDUC6120
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Credits: 3
Location: Internet/ Online
Time: -
Instructor: Meyers
Session: 4 (10/19/2024 - 12/13/2024)
Term: Fall 2024
Course is taught Fully Online.