Course Descriptions for the Computer & Information Systems Department

INFS6321 - Enterp Transact Process Syst

Summer 2024

This course focuses on the CICS Enterprise Transaction Processing System and CICS COBOL applications. CICS architecture, online resource definition (CEDA), CSD data sets, and legacy CICS resource tables are presented. Students will design, prepare (DFHMAPS) and code a BMS mapset to generate physical and symbolic maps. Using a pseudo-conversational and modular style, students will develop, prepare (DFHYITVL), and test CICS COBOL VSAM and DB2 applications using the CICS EXEC and EXEC SQL APIs. Popular CICS-supplied transactions, e.g., CESN, CESF, CEMT, CECI, and CEDA will be reviewed. Using CICS as an HTTP Server to interface with a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and WebSphere MQ will be introduced.
Prerequisites: INFS6130, INFS6320 and INFS6242 3 Credits
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
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 M  Monday
 T  Tuesday
 W  Wednesday
 R  Thursday
 F  Friday
 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

Schedule Book for All Active and Available Future Terms, Course starting with INFS6321
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