Course Descriptions for the Computer & Information Systems Department

INFS3800 - Twc Natl Security Seminar

Summer 2024

The Washington Center National Security Seminar program is a ten day program in Washington, D.C. where students will examine the inner workings of the U.S. national security landscape with nationally recognized journalists, politicians, analysts and scholars in the area of national security and cyber security. It is an opportunity for students to explore the protection of U.S. interests at home, abroad and cyberspace. As per the material provided by the Washington Center, the seminar is designed to teach students about national security issues and the decision making process. With growing threats from terrorist groups, transnational networks, and cyber terrorism, the United States must contend with a complicated set of direct national security challenges. Through the guidance of a faculty director expert in national security issues, this program will examine how these changesimpact the international arena, as well as, explore how the U.S. can best respond to the myriad of uncertainties present in the world today. The National Security Academic seminar providesstudents with an exceptional behind-the-scenes perspective on Washington and the national security issues of the day. Combining lectures, site visits, tours and special events, students cansee the impact of the role that international institutions and organizations play in an evolving system.During the seminar, students will interact directly with experienced professionals, such as FBI analysts, DOD, and the U.S. Treasury Department which will discuss terrorist financing and financial crimes taking place through technology, plus many others. The complete curriculum for 2018 has not been released yet, but with past seminars students visited embassies, the Pentagon, the State Department and the National Counter Terrorism Center to name a few. Students will explore the inner workings of the U.S. national security landscape.
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

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 U  Sunday

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