Prospect Questionnaire

Are you interested in playing football for the Colonials? If so, fill out our Football Questionnaire.
Personal Information:
First:* MI:   Last:*
  Zip Code:*
Date of Birth:
Father's Name: Father's Occupation:
Mother's Name: Mother's Occupation:
Academic Information:
High School: High School Phone #:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Counselor Name: Counselor Phone #:
Graduation Date: G.P.A.: Class Rank:
SAT Scores (verbal): SAT Scores (math): Date Taken:
ACT Scores (math): Date Taken:
Perferred Major #1: Perferred Major #2:
Athletic Information:
Height: Weight: Off./Def. Position: Jersey Number:
Bench Press: Squat: 40 Yard Dash: Pro Agility:
Head Coach Name: Head Coach Phone #:
Athletic Honors:
Other Sports Played / Letters:
Electronic Signature:* By checking this box, I hereby make my electronic signature. I have read and agree to all of the conditions of the electronic signature.
Conditions of electronic signature:
  • To the best of my knowledge, all of the information submitted via this form is correct and complete.
  • I am not attempting to gain access to, or modify, another person's account or personal information without their expressed permission.
  • Any misrepresentation may be deemed just cause for any of the following:
    • Collegiate Judicial Hearing
    • Dismissal from the University
    • Legal prosecution
* Denotes a required field.