Integrated BS/MS in Information Systems - Program Prerequisites

M.S. in Communications and Information Systems - 3 credits
Information Technology Foundation
3 creditsInformation systems (INFS1010, INFS2010 or equivalent)
M.S. in Competitive Intelligence Systems - 12 credits
Information Technology Foundation - 6 credits
3 creditsAny information systems or computing course or equivalent
3 creditsAny information systems or computing course or equivalent
Business Foundation - 6 credits
3 creditsAny business course or equivalent
3 creditsAny business course or equivalent
M.S. in Information Security and Assurance - 3 credits
Information Technology Foundation
3 creditsAny object-oriented programming course such as C++ and JAVA or equivalent
M.S. in Information Systems Management - 18 credits
Information Technology Foundation - 9 credits
3 creditsInformation systems (INFS1010, INFS2010 or equivalent)
3 creditsIT hardware/software (INFS2210 or equivalent)
3 creditsProgramming (INFS2110, INFS2120, INFS3140, INFS3150, INFS3184 or equivalent)
Business Foundation - 9 credits
3 creditsFinancial accounting (ACCT1010 or equivalent)
3 creditsEconomics or marketing (ECON1020, ECON1030, MARK3100 or equivalent)
3 creditsOrganizational behavior (PSYC1010, SOCI1010, MGMT3400 or equivalent)
M.S. in Information Technology Project Management - 12 credits
Information Technology Foundation - 6 credits
3 creditsSystems analysis (INFS3220 or equivalent)
3 creditsAny programming language, such as Cobol, Pascal, C, C++, JAVA, M, Visual Basic or equivalent
Business Foundation - 6 credits
3 creditsFinancial accounting (ACCT1010 or equivalent)
3 creditsManagement theory and practice (MGMT3100 or equivalent)
M.S. in Internet Information Systems - 6 credits
Information Technology Foundation
3 creditsInformation systems (INFS1010, 1NFS2010 or equivalent)
3 creditsAny programming language, such as Cobol, Pascal, C, C++, JAVA, M,
Visual Basic or INFS2110

For each degree, prerequisites should be completed as part of the undergraduate portion of the integrated program. Ideally, all prerequisites should be completed by the end of the junior year or by the completion of 87 undergraduate credits, whichever comes first.