Course Catalog
Early Childhood Education
List of all courses and their descriptions
List of all courses, their descriptions and offerings in the schedule book
ECED0101 - Praxis I Prep Early Childhood
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
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0 Credits
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED0210 - Field Experiences 2100
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
Please try again at a later time
0 Credits
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED0212 - Field Experiences 2120
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
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0 Credits
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED0305 - Field Experience 3050
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED0310 - Field Experience 3100
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
Please try again at a later time
0 Credits
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED0401 - Field Experiences 4010
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
Please try again at a later time
0 Credits
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED0402 - Field Experiences 4020
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
Please try again at a later time
0 Credits
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED0414 - Field Experience 4140
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED2100 - Intro To Early Childhood Educ
Fall 2024
This course offers an overview of Early Childhood Education as a base from which to gain further knowledge for working with young children. The aspiring teacher will be introduced to historical contexts and theories of early childhood education. The course will give the aspiring teacher the opportunity to gain insight into the relationship between child development, learning, and teaching. Through readings, discussions, and conducting a guided observation, the aspiring teacher will develop his/her own personal philosophy of Early Childhood Education.
Corequisite: ECED0210
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED2110 - Early Childhood Curric/Instruc
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED2120 - Early Literacy/Language Devl
Fall 2024
Early Literacy and Language Development is designed to provide early childhood teacher candidates with an in-depth investigation into literacy development, birth to age 8. Research and theory for supporting literacy development in the early years is the pinnacle of this course. Examination of contextual influences on language and literacy development and growth, reading and writing as integrated processes, and models of appropriate practices to foster emerging language and literacy will be emphasized.
Corequisite: ECED0212
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED2130 - Numeracy
Fall 2024
This course is designed to provide both the theoretical background and the practical knowledge necessary for planning, implementing, and assessing an early childhood mathematics program. The focus is on developing an active, learning environment that fosters curiosity, confidence, and persistence in learning numeracy skills. Students examine and practice instructional strategies that foster the development of mathematical relationships, number sense, and the ability to solve problems.
PreReq: Candidacy Status
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED2140 - Reading Difficulties/Diagnosis
Fall 2024
This course is designed to prepare the aspiring teacher with the tools necessary to diagnosis and teach student with reading difficulties. Teacher candidates will explore the constructive process of reading and learn ways they can use diagnosis to make sound instructional decisions. Teacher candidates will learn explicit procedures for instructional techniques drawn from multiple perspectives and applicable for use with K-8 learners. The emphasis throughout is on encouraging teachers to continually reflect on their instructional practices and tailor their instruction to the strengths and needs of the children they teach.
PreReq: Candidacy Status
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED2500 - Creative Classroom
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED2510 - Hlth/Well/Physical Develop
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED3060 - Family/Community Relationships
Fall 2024
Family and Community Relationships will provide opportunities for students to develop a sense of professionalism in school and community settings, while examining the shifting demographic context of schools and communities in the United States. The course will focus on the interaction of families, schools and communities, and how that interaction can influence a child's success in school. Further, taking into account economic and cultural diversity as well as exceptionality, this course presents a collaborative approach for working with all students' families to promote learning and resolve issues throughout the early childhood and elementary years. The course will include observations and participation in the field in a variety of settings including, but not limited to, Head Start, Even Start, PA Pre-K Counts, Full-day Kindergarten, and Grades 1 through 4 , and will include the historical and philosophical underpinnings of ECE, the PA Code of Conduct, and NAEYCE's Code of Ethical Conduct, and how these standards provide guidance and support to early childhood educators as they serve and act on behalf of the needs, rights and well-being of young children and their parents. Pre-requisites: ECED2100 Co-requisite: ECED0306
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED3100 - Integrating Arts/Devel Child
Fall 2024
This course is designed to help students gain an understanding of the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and personality growth and development of all children from conception to age nine, including children with special needs. Students will know and understand health and physical activity concepts that enable informed decisions for a healthy and active lifestyle. Activities in the course will focus on health, nutrition, movement skills and strategies for confident participation in physical activity for early childhood educators. Current research and ideas in early childhood development will be used in conjunction with historical approaches that examine growth and development. In addition, the course will help to prepare the aspiring teacher with the appreciation and the ability to utilize creative expression in the pre-kindergarten to fourth grade elementary classroom. The focus will be on planning and adapting engaging learning experiences in movement and physical skills, drama, art, and music. Specific topics that will be explored are integrating the arts across the curriculum, culturally diverse artistic expression, multiple intelligences, playing in the classroom, and fostering creativity in children.
Prerequisite: Candidacy Status 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisite: Candidacy Status 3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED3400 - Elem Reading Content Area
Fall 2024
Elementary Reading in the Content Area is designed to enable the prospective elementary teacher utilize various strategies and techniques to improve literacy and literacy instruction in all content areas taught in the elementary school. Lesson plans and classroom presentations that focus on specific methods for helping students achieve literacy proficiency within the content areas commonly taught in the elementary school (mathematics, science, social studies, health, language arts, music, art, and physical education) will be emphasized.
Prerequisite: Candidacy Status 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisite: Candidacy Status 3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED3500 - Developmentally Appropriate Pr
Fall 2024
This course offers an overview of Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Early Childhood Education as a base from which to gain further knowledge for working with young children. The aspiring teacher will be introduced to historical contexts and theories of early childhood education. The course will give the aspiring teacher the opportunity to gain insight into the relationship between child development, learning, and teaching. Through readings, discussions, observation, and field work the aspiring teacher will develop his/her own personal philosophy of Early Childhood Education. Additionally, aspiring teachers will create and teach lessons in the areas of the arts, numeracy, science, health and nutrition, and motor development.
Prerequisites: Candidacy Corequisites: ECED 0305 ? field component
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Candidacy Corequisites: ECED 0305 ? field component
3 Credits
ECED4000 - Soc Studies Methods Echd
Fall 2024
is designed to provide both the theoretical background and the practical knowledge necessary for planning, implementing, and assessing a social studies program in a contemporary elementary school. In addition, the latest advances in Instructional Technology will be introduced and integrated into the methodology. Students will be introduced to a variety of approaches and instructional materials for effectively facilitating the learning of content and skills associated with the social sciences, and for integrating this learning with other areas of the elementary curriculum. A high level of interaction and integration between methods courses and field experiences will provide students with applications of "Theory into Practice" and consistent classroom experiences. This course will be supplemented and enhanced with BlackBoard.
Prerequisite: Candidacy Status
3 Credits
Prerequisite: Candidacy Status
3 Credits
ECED4010 - Math Methods Early Childhood
Fall 2024
This course develops curriculum, instructional strategies, and activities for teaching science and mathematics in the elementary school. Course experiences are focused on the nature of science, inquiry, mathematics problem-based instruction and managing learning resources related to science and mathematical pedagogy.
Prerequisites: Candidacy Status and Permission of the Department Head Co-requisite: ECED0401 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Candidacy Status and Permission of the Department Head Co-requisite: ECED0401 3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED4020 - Science Methds Early Childhood
Fall 2024
Early Childhood Science Methods is designed to provide both the theoretical background and the practical knowledge necessary for planning, implementing, and assessing a science and health program in a contemporary elementary school. Students will be introduced to a variety of approaches and instructional materials for effectively facilitating the learning of content and skills drawn from science, physical education and health, and for integrating this learning with other areas of the elementary curriculum. Pre-requisites: ECED2100 Co-requisites: ECED0402
3 Credits
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED4030 - Readng/Lang Arts Mthds Echd
Fall 2024
This course enables the prospective early childhood teacher candidate to understand the processes of reading and Language Arts. Candidates will be introduced, through theory and practice, to a variety of strategies for teaching early childhood and elementary reading. Candidates will become aware of ways to assess reading programs and ways to support children as they develop as readers. Candidates will also become familiar with materials used in the classroom to support literacy development. Additionally, students will learn how to create a Student and Response-Centered Classroom rich with literature, writing, speaking, and listening. They will learn to incorporate appropriate teaching strategies, assessments, and instructional media. Topics such as language development, drama, response journals, reading and writing workshops, mechanics of language and media literacy will be addressed with a hands-on approach.
Prerequisites: Candidacy Status and Permission of the Department Head Co-requisite: ECED0403 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Candidacy Status and Permission of the Department Head Co-requisite: ECED0403 3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED4060 - Pre-Student Teaching
Fall 2024
The zero-credit field course is designed to involve the preservice early childhood education students with the various aspects of classroom teaching methodology, pedagogy and management. The students will have the opportunity to employ reflective decision making when planning, implementing and assessing learning in an actual school environment. In addition, field students will become involved in the managerial, record keeping, personal and professional aspects of teaching in diverse classroom settings. Students will move through four basic learning experiences: observation, one-to-one tutoring, small group instruction and whole class instruction.
Prerequisites: Permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 0 Credits
0 Credits
Prerequisites: Permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 0 Credits
0 Credits
ECED4140 - Reading Difficulties/Diagnosis
Fall 2024
This course is designed to prepare the aspiring teacher with the tools necessary to diagnosis and teach student with reading difficulties. Teacher candidates will explore the constructive process of reading and learn ways they can use diagnosis to make sound instructional decisions. Teacher candidates will learn explicit procedures for instructional techniques drawn from multiple perspectives and applicable for use with K-8 learners. The emphasis throughout is on encouraging teachers to continually reflect on their instructional practices and tailor their instruction to the strengths and needs of the children they teach.
PreReq: Candidacy Status
3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED4200 - Student Teaching Eced
Fall 2024
This is a capstone course for all candidates seeking certification in early childhood education. Candidates spend sixteen weeks in a full-time internship in an approved preK-4 school environment. Candidates will work on a daily basis with an approved cooperating teacher. In addition, each candidate will be supervised by an RMU supervisor. Candidates are required to complete SPED4210 Professional Topics: ELL to Special Needs concurrently with this course.
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and Completion of all requirements for admission to the professional year, permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 9 Credits
9 Credits
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and Completion of all requirements for admission to the professional year, permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 9 Credits
9 Credits
ECED4205 - Student Teaching Sped
Fall 2024
Student teaching for Education majors with a dual concentration in early childhood and special education. Co requisite is EDUC 4200 Student Teaching Seminar. Department head approval needed. Updated clearances, TB test and professional insurance all required.
Prerequisites: ECED4060 and permission of the Department Head
9 Credits
Prerequisites: ECED4060 and permission of the Department Head
9 Credits
ECED4210 - Student Teaching Seminar
Fall 2024
Candidates completing the early childhood student teaching internship will discuss professional issues and topics such as: resume writing, interviewing and job searching. In addition, this seminar will provide a forum through which teacher candidates may share the inquiry projects required for the student teaching internship and discuss topics of interest related to their internship (classroom management issues, parent-teacher conferences, teaching issues, etc.) Candidates are required to complete EDUC4200 Supervised Teaching concurrently with this course.
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and admission to the professional year for elementary education, permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and admission to the professional year for elementary education, permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 3 Credits
3 Credits
ECED4900 - Infant & Toddler Capstone
Fall 2024
For Early Learning and Development majors, this is a capstone course designed to be completed in your final semester at RMU for 9 credits. However, if taken with a teacher certification program the course can be taken once pre-requisite courses are completed.
The student will apply and synthesize information and demonstrate mastery of infant/toddler development and working with infants/toddlers through the completion of direct work with infants and toddlers, participation in seminar, and the completion of a portfolio. Students enrolled in ECED 4900 Infant/Toddler Capstone will identify an infant toddler site to complete their hours in a center-based setting. A center based infant toddler setting is a state approved child development center where a candidate would work individually, and in small and large groups with infants and toddlers (birth to under three years old). The required hours can be done full or part-time, but must be completed within the fifteen-week semester date parameters. Candidates chosen sites are subject to approval by RMU faculty. Clinical. Credits: 3-9
You must have updated clearances. *The National CDA requires 480 hours of direct work with children in 3 years prior to applying.
Credits: Clinical course, 3 ? 9 credits depending on clinical hours
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites: 3 credits PSYC (PSYC 3535 Child Development); 9 credits ECED (ECED 2120 Early Language and Literacy, ECED 3060 Family and Community Relationships, ECED 3500 Dev. App. Practices); and 9 credits of SDIN (SDIN 2010 Intro. to Special Education, SDIN 3030 Classroom Management, and SDIN 3110 Early Intervention). A grade of ?C? or better must be earned in each prerequisit
3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites: 3 credits PSYC (PSYC 3535 Child Development); 9 credits ECED (ECED 2120 Early Language and Literacy, ECED 3060 Family and Community Relationships, ECED 3500 Dev. App. Practices); and 9 credits of SDIN (SDIN 2010 Intro. to Special Education, SDIN 3030 Classroom Management, and SDIN 3110 Early Intervention). A grade of ?C? or better must be earned in each prerequisit
3 Credits
ECED4953 - Indepen Study: Math/Sci Method
Fall 2024
Course description unavailable, please contact Academic Services.
3 Credits
3 Credits