Course Catalog

List of all courses and their descriptions
List of all courses, their descriptions and offerings in the schedule book

EDML8110 - Applying Instructnl Technology
EDML8120 - Leadership I
EDML8130 - International Perspective/Educ
EDML8140 - Crit Readings Educ Research
EDML8150 - Leadership II
EDML8170 - Instruc Ldshp In Curric Plan
EDML8180 - Instruc Ldshp In Program Eval
EDML8190 - Law and Ethics In Education
EDML8200 - Managing Finances and Budgets
EDML8220 - Managing Instruc Environ
EDML8230 - Research I - Qualit/Quant Meth
EDML8240 - Qual/Quantitative Methods II
EDML8250 - Statistical Methods I
EDML8270 - Writing For Publication
EDML8280 - Teaching In Higher Ed: T.C.L.
EDML9130 - Dissertation Seminar I
EDML9140 - Dissertation Seminar II
EDML9150 - Dissertation Seminar III
EDML9160 - Dissertation Seminar Iv
EDML9170 - Dissertation Seminar V
EDML9180 - Introduction To The Dissertiat
EDML9951 - Dissertation/Independent Study
EDUC0600 - Field Experiences 6000
EDUC0601 - Field Experiences 6010
EDUC0606 - Field Experiences 6060
EDUC0640 - Field Experiences 6400
EDUC0650 - Field Experiences 6510
EDUC0652 - Pre-Student Teaching Bcit
EDUC0653 - Pre-Student Teaching Math
EDUC0654 - Pre-Student Teaching Biology
EDUC0660 - Field Experiences 6560
EDUC6000 - Critical Issues Affect Amer Ed (Course Code was formerly: ED501)
EDUC6010 - Theory Learn/Classroom Mgmt (Course Code was formerly: ED502)
EDUC6060 - Curr Design/Assessment (Course Code was formerly: ED541)
EDUC6061 - Pre Student Teaching
EDUC6065 - Educational Statistics (Course Code was formerly: EDUC6020)
EDUC6090 - Instructional Ldshp/ Decis Mak (Course Code was formerly: ED545)
EDUC6100 - Dev Instr Materls Using Softwr (Course Code was formerly: ED546)
EDUC6110 - Integrting Instructional Techn (Course Code was formerly: ED547)
EDUC6120 - Instructional Leadership/Mgmt (Course Code was formerly: ED548)
EDUC6125 - Instructional Ldrshp/Org Lrng
EDUC6130 - Educational Research Seminar (Course Code was formerly: ED555)
EDUC6140 - Inst Leadership Capstone (Course Code was formerly: ED560)
EDUC6205 - Student Teaching
EDUC6400 - Reading Across Curr and Mll (Course Code was formerly: ED631)
EDUC6500 - Student Teaching Seminar
EDUC6510 - Cont Spec Pedagogy: Eng/Com Ed
EDUC6520 - Cont Spec Pedagogy:Bus/Comp
EDUC6530 - Cont Spec Pedagogy: Math
EDUC6540 - Cont Specif Pedagogy: Biology
EDUC6550 - Student Internship: Biology
EDUC6555 - Student Internship: Eng/Com
EDUC6560 - Cont Spec Pedag:Soc Studies Ed
EDUC6570 - Student Internship: Business
EDUC6580 - Student Internship: Math
EDUC6590 - Student Internship:Soc Studies
EDUC6610 - Foundations Of Online Tchg/Lrn
EDUC6620 - Adv Techniques In Online Instr
EDUC6630 - Methods Of Online Assessment
EDUC6650 - Online Instruction Practicum
EDUC6800 - Integrating Social & Emotional
EDUC6810 - Trauma Informed Sel
EDUC7001 - Role/Function Personnel Superv
EDUC7002 - Curriculum/Instruc Internship
EDUC7061 - Pre-Student Teaching
EDUC7903 - Instruct Tech Specialst Intern (Course Code was formerly: ED683)
LEAD6000 - Principal Preparation Seminar
LEAD6010 - Ldshp & School Improvem Intern
LEAD6020 - Ldshp & Student Achieve Intern
LEAD6030 - Ldshp & Special Educ Intern
LEAD6040 - Ldshp & Prof Developmt Intern
RDSP6800 - Pbida
RDSP6801 - Pbida
RDSP7952 - Independent Study