Course Catalog
MATH3250 - Practicum Tchng Math With Tech
Fall 2024
This course is designed to provide instruction in modern technologies used in mathematics instruction. Students will learn how to use both hard and soft technologies in the context of learning and teaching mathematics, blending mathematics content with pedagogy associated with utilizing technology effectively in the mathematics classroom. Students will learn the basics of the TI-84 graphics calculator or similar, Geometer?s Sketchpad and Geogebra, Excel for spreadsheet applications, Word for word processing applications, and an equation editor (built into Word, or others on the market). A great deal of time will be spent addressing effective uses of appropriate technologies in teaching and learning. Students will be expected to join and participate in select webinars offered by Texas Instruments and the NCTM, especially those centered around use of technologies in STEM education. Students will learn about blended learning environments and virtual instruction enhanced with technology.
Your responsibility throughout the course will be to:
A.S tudy for this class on a regular basis. You will learn (and remember) much more if you study for short periods several times per week rather than try to condense all of your studying into one long session.
B.D o all assigned reading and homework prior to class. The reading from the mathematics methods text that is chosen puts what you are learning about technology into a context.
W hen you do not understand, ask questions.
I f you are having great difficulty with any of the material, you should arrange to meet individually with the instructor.
L earn as much as you are able about each of the technologies. Much of what you do will be above and beyond the time constraints of the classroom. Lifelong learning takes on real meaning for you, here, as you develop those technology skills that interest you, as well as those skills that are essential for a beginning mathematics teacher to know.
Engage reflectively in learning with techno
3 Credits
3 Credits
Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit: Introducing Banner Self-Service Preparing to register Login to Banner Self-Service |
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