Course Catalog
MATH3040 - Operations Research II
Fall 2024
This course presents quantitative methods and business applications, most of which require a basic knowledge of probability and statistics. The topics of study include PERT/CPM, inventory control models, queuing systems, introduction to time series and forecasting, and introduction to simulation and Monte Carlo methods. Computer software is used as a practical implementation of the various models. This course is usually offered in the fall term.
Prerequisite: MATH3030 (QS303) 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisite: MATH3030 (QS303) 3 Credits
3 Credits
Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit: Introducing Banner Self-Service Preparing to register Login to Banner Self-Service |
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U Sunday
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