Course Catalog

MATH3030 - Operations Research I

Fall 2024

This course introduces the basic mathematical ideas and methods of Deterministic Operations Research. Real life problems are modeled and students will be shown how to develop, solve, and interpret a variety of deterministic optimization models. Students will learn Linear Programming, The Simplex method, Column generation, Duality and Integer Programming, Network Flow, Nonlinear optimization, and Quadratic Programming. Most of the material in this course is presented in a lecture/discussion format emphasizing both theory and procedures. Text material should be supplemented by instructor developed h andouts as needed. Instructors make use of overhead projectors, blackboard demonstrations, and printouts of various computer software. Students may be required to find, read, and report on management science articles which appear in magazines and journals. Students will be required to spend a significant amount of time implementing management science models using computer software. Pre-Requisites: MATH2070 AND STAT2110 or ASCI 2010 3 Credits
3 Credits

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 T  Tuesday
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 F  Friday
 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

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