Course Catalog

ECED4900 - Infant & Toddler Capstone

Fall 2024

For Early Learning and Development majors, this is a capstone course designed to be completed in your final semester at RMU for 9 credits. However, if taken with a teacher certification program the course can be taken once pre-requisite courses are completed. The student will apply and synthesize information and demonstrate mastery of infant/toddler development and working with infants/toddlers through the completion of direct work with infants and toddlers, participation in seminar, and the completion of a portfolio. Students enrolled in ECED 4900 Infant/Toddler Capstone will identify an infant toddler site to complete their hours in a center-based setting. A center based infant toddler setting is a state approved child development center where a candidate would work individually, and in small and large groups with infants and toddlers (birth to under three years old). The required hours can be done full or part-time, but must be completed within the fifteen-week semester date parameters. Candidates chosen sites are subject to approval by RMU faculty. Clinical. Credits: 3-9 You must have updated clearances. *The National CDA requires 480 hours of direct work with children in 3 years prior to applying. Credits: Clinical course, 3 ? 9 credits depending on clinical hours Course
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites: 3 credits PSYC (PSYC 3535 Child Development); 9 credits ECED (ECED 2120 Early Language and Literacy, ECED 3060 Family and Community Relationships, ECED 3500 Dev. App. Practices); and 9 credits of SDIN (SDIN 2010 Intro. to Special Education, SDIN 3030 Classroom Management, and SDIN 3110 Early Intervention). A grade of ?C? or better must be earned in each prerequisit
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

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