Course Catalog

MGMT4660 - Advanced Project Management

Summer 2024

In this course students apply project management tools and techniques to a series of case studies that highlight a variety of projects and the issues involved in managing them, including conflicting stakeholder objectives, resource concerns, and scheduling, budgeting and staffing issues. Students will also be introduced to selected advanced project management topics, such as quantitative risk analysis, project quality and control, or project program and portfolio management through reading and discussion of articles published in project management journals.
Prerequisite: MGMT4560
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
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 M  Monday
 T  Tuesday
 W  Wednesday
 R  Thursday
 F  Friday
 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

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