Course Catalog

MGMT2300 - Creatng Wrkplc & Personl Value

Summer 2024

Creating Workplace and Personal Value aims to assist students in identifying the attributes of one's personal brand and then applying it to the entrepreneurial mindset to create value in the workplace. Innovation is a process that occurs from the inside out. Our capabilities, passions, personalities, and traits - the intrinsic dimensions of who we are - shape how we reimagine the world around us and create new opportunities. Organizations and firms are looking for those who will make their systems, people, and environment better than when they arrived. Are you that person who creates value? Does the world know? The purpose of this course is to equip you with the skills by which 1) to identify one's personal attributes which set you apart from the talent market, 2) to understand one's unique approach to creating value entrepreneurially as informed by such attributes, and 3) to develop and articulate a personal brand based upon this discovery. This course will take you through the journey of recognizing your unique set of values, skills, and traits, and guide you in developing your personal brand of creating value based upon these distinct combinations of attributes. The course will then immerse you in the actual practice of activating an entrepreneurial mindset and action - introducing you to tools and concepts by which you can apply your individual approach to the entrepreneurship method of creating opportunity, problem- solving, mobilizing resources, and generating change and impact. You will discover how you make an innovative change, and build the capabilities by which to articulate your personal brand of value creation to the world.
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
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 T  Tuesday
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 R  Thursday
 F  Friday
 S  Saturday
 U  Sunday

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