Course Catalog
GEOL6100 - Adv Tpc/Ped Str: Earth/Space
Summer 2024
This course is recommended for certified teachers hoping to gain a deeper understanding of content and pedagogical techniques in the Earth/Space Sciences. The National Science Teachers Association Standards for Science Teacher Certification and the Pennsylvania State Standards in Science & Technology are a major focus. The topics in this course may include, but not be limited to: oceans and their relationship to changes in the atmosphere and climate hydrological cycles and problems of distribution of use of water structures and interactions of energy and matter in the universe structure of the solar system, including stars and planets properties, processes, and origins of the atmosphere impact of changes in the Earth on the evolution and distribution of living things issues related to the Earth's systems, such as global climate change fundamental concepts of the formation and identification of rocks and minerals impact of plate tectonics on the structure of the Earth Various laboratory techniques and instructional technologies will be employed throughout the course to foster discovery and to gain insights into these concepts.
Prerequisites Graduate Standing 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisites Graduate Standing 3 Credits
3 Credits
Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit: Introducing Banner Self-Service Preparing to register Login to Banner Self-Service |
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