Course Catalog
ECED4210 - Student Teaching Seminar
Summer 2024
Candidates completing the early childhood student teaching internship will discuss professional issues and topics such as: resume writing, interviewing and job searching. In addition, this seminar will provide a forum through which teacher candidates may share the inquiry projects required for the student teaching internship and discuss topics of interest related to their internship (classroom management issues, parent-teacher conferences, teaching issues, etc.) Candidates are required to complete EDUC4200 Supervised Teaching concurrently with this course.
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and admission to the professional year for elementary education, permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 3 Credits
3 Credits
Prerequisites: CSCM1030 or CSHR1030 and admission to the professional year for elementary education, permission of the Department Head and Candidacy status 3 Credits
3 Credits
Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit: Introducing Banner Self-Service Preparing to register Login to Banner Self-Service |
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