Course Catalog

COIS6960 - Case Analysis In Comm/Info Sys

Summer 2024

This course summarizes and synthesizes instruction in communication and information systems. Through analyses of cases relevant to communication and information problem solving, reflection on the courses completed, and further application and synthesis of the principles of communication and information science, the Case Analysis course demonstrates the applicability of being conversant in both fields. The course involves oral and written student presentations, the contexts and critiques of which are structured to simulate work environments. Case analyses and presentations are to demonstrate comprehension of the theoretical frameworks of communication and information science and the interrelationship of these fields of study, and the ability to apply knowledge of the two disciplines in specific situations.
Prerequisites: COIS6031, COIS6050, COIS6030 and 18 credits 3 Credits
3 Credits

Important: Registration Information

Course Registration will occur in the Banner system. For information on how to register and planning tools to ensure that you're Ready to Register please visit:
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 U  Sunday

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