Patriot AIS - Creating a Batch of Resident Students by Term using the Housing Contract Phone Report
- Navigate to Student List 2
- Log in to The Patriot
- Click on System Administration\ Student List 2. The Student List Two window opens.
- Create Housing Contract Phones report
- Creating a file for combining with other batches of students.
- In the Student List Two window enter the batchname you created with the Housing Contract Phones report in the Batchname field.
Note: The beginning of the batchname is the report name, SYHSPH0R, followed by the last 2 digits of the term you selected (e.g.,
SYHSPH0R80, would be the Housing Contract Phones batchname for Fall term). Note: The last 2 positions of the report name are
the number zero followed by the letter R
- Click on the ellipsis next to the Batchname field. The Student List Two User Batchnames window opens with the batchnames
listed that you have created. Please be patient. It could take a minute or more to load the batchnames
in the list box depending on the number of batches you have. Click on the Batchname to select and click Accept. You are
returned to the Student List Two window with the Batchname field populated. Note: The Batchname also populates the Input
Batchname for Output Selection field at the bottom of the window.
- If you wish to see the students in this batch or get the count of students, click Search. The students will display in the
listbox and the count will display at the top right-hand side of the listbox. Note: The searched Batchname will display at the
top left-hand side of the listbox.
- Click the File checkbox in the Output Selection section of the window.
- Click the Generate button. The file is saved as C:\patriot\impexp\sl2-info.lst This file can now be imported into (combined
with) another batch in the Import Student Numbers Two program.
- Combining Batches.
- From the Student List Two window, select Import Student Numbers Two from the Quick Info menu. The Imports: Student List Two
window displays.
- In the Batchname field either enter the batchname of students you want to combine with the file you just created (this could
be a batch you've created yourself previously) OR enter a unique name in the Batchname field to start a new batch by adding the
file you just created
- Click on the Open folder icon to the right of the Input File Name label. The Open window displays.
- Select the SL2-INFO.lst file created in step 3 above.
- Click Generate. If you are adding to an existing batchname, the Message Handler window displays with the message "Batch
already exists" and prompts you to Click OK- to combine with the existing batch OR Click Cancel- to delete the existing records
in the batch and recreate with this input file.
- You may repeat steps 3 and 4 for as many batches as you wish to combine.
- You may use this combined batchname in several programs as explained at the end of step 2 above.
You may want to combine the individual batchnames that you create each time you run the Housing Contract Phones report for one term,
so that you have all the students with Active Housing Contracts for a term in one batch.